People should start to think for themselves and not just buy the global warming zealot's line hook line and sinker. Look at a recording thermometer from the 1800s. They didn't even measure in tenths of a degree. They didn't have digital thermometers back then.
Also did you know that those same so called scientist that are trying to panic people about global warming now were trying to panic us with global cooling in the 70s.
D:Personally I believe in global warming because I can see how much CO2 we humans bring into the air and in high school I did a project on CO2 And I saw how much influence it had on the temperatureAlso most scientists and people who I think know a lot about this subject believe in global warming. It's mainly conspiracy theorists and extremist religious people who don't believe in global warming.
People believe in global warming because of overwhelming scientific evidence showing that the Earth's climate is changing due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. This evidence includes rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, and more frequent extreme weather events. Additionally, reports from reputable scientific organizations, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), support the reality of global warming.
Scientists study global warming because the need to know its causes and likely consequences. They also need to find ways of avoiding further global warming so that they can recommend appropriate action.
Other people choose to study global warming because they want to understand the issues and make an informed decision to help minimize our greenhouse gas emissions.
A:You need to study global warming because it is probably the most serious challenge facing the world at this time. If we understand it, then we can see what has to be done to deal with it. A:Global warming has been affecting climate change since the 1800s, and the CO2 levels are increasing each year because of human activity. Ice caps are already melting, ocean levels are rising, droughts are happening in some parts, more deserts are forming. This is all because of global warming, and we need to care about this, and to know what we can do about it.People support global warming because they believe what the vast majority of climate scientists are telling them, namely, that global warming is happening, and it is being caused by the human activities of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuel. They see that governments and politicians are under pressure from various lobby groups and rarely see the long term goal. People, however, can see the unusual changes in the weather and hope for concerted action.
There is a wide range of evidence for global warming. This includes
Most scientists who have reviewed the evidence and examined the climate models have become convinced that increasing earth's greenhouse gas concentrations does in fact lead to increasing temperature. Scientists don't really "believe" in this as a matter of faith so much as they accept it as a provisional finding of science. If a preponderance of evidence were accumulated to suggest the models were in error, they would happily (in most instances) reject the models.
It is a reasonable conclusion--if you pile more blankets on your bed you tend to get warmer. But science isn't satisfied with mere human logic and reasoning--the assumptions must be tested and confirmed. And to the best that science can currently demonstrate, our consumption of fossil fuels IS heating up our planet, very rapidly.
There are people who don't believe global warming is happening.There are people who believe it is happening but don't believe that humans are causing it.There are people who believe all the climate scientists who believe it is happening and that we are causing it.
Global warming skeptics do not believe the geoscientists, engineers and meteorologists round the world. The skeptic individuals believe that nature is the primary cause of global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.
Global warming is the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature caused by human activities releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most people believe in global warming because it is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence, including data showing rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events. Additionally, the majority of climate scientists agree that human activities are the main driver of global warming.
Some people may believe that global warming is not caused by human activities due to a variety of reasons, such as misinformation, alternative hypotheses, or financial interests. They may point to natural climate variability or question the extent of human impact on the environment.
Yes, there are politicians who do not believe in global warming or who question the scientific consensus on climate change. This skepticism can stem from ideological beliefs, financial interests, or a lack of understanding of the scientific evidence.
There are people who don't believe global warming is happening.There are people who believe it is happening but don't believe that humans are causing it.There are people who believe all the climate scientists who believe it is happening and that we are causing it.
People believe that man is causing global warming and climate change by burning fossil fuels and cutting down the forests of the world.Other people believe that global warming is a natural event and man is not causing it.Most believe that it is partially a natural issue that man is having some unknown affect on as well. This is where most scientists fall.Other people believe that global warming is not happening at all.
Zero Percent of informed People.
Global warming skeptics do not believe the geoscientists, engineers and meteorologists round the world. The skeptic individuals believe that nature is the primary cause of global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.
People who don't believe science.
because some people dont believe in global warming
If you mean that global warming is a fact, yes there are plenty of people that don't believe it. A recent poll conducted in the U.S.,said that only 41 per cent of the responders believed in global warming.
Global warming is not natural, it is caused by people. Since there aren't people on Neptune, it cannot have global warming.
Global warming is the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature caused by human activities releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most people believe in global warming because it is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence, including data showing rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events. Additionally, the majority of climate scientists agree that human activities are the main driver of global warming.
Because it is GLOBAL, not local warming.
no. and that is the problem. There are kinds of people: People who don't understand and people who don't WANT to understand. People who don't want to understand can make up lies, like Global Warming is a theory. They can also fight with climate scientists . There is a point in humanity that we are in right now. we need to stop global warming, we are now in the point where we can't undo global warming, only stop it from getting worse. We need to.
Some people may believe that global warming is not caused by human activities due to a variety of reasons, such as misinformation, alternative hypotheses, or financial interests. They may point to natural climate variability or question the extent of human impact on the environment.