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Q: Why do parts of both barometers need to be airtight?
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What are the two kinds of barometers?

there are two kinds of barometers one is the mercery and the othere is the aneroid.IF U PLAY FANTAGE AND NEED A PD GO ON WWW.

Why do things need to be airtight?

Things need to be airtight so the air wont come out. If It comes out the contraption will noe work.

How do plants and animals both survive in an airtight ecosystem?

The plants give the bugs the oxygen they need to breath. The bugs breath out carbon dioxide which the plants need.

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yes they have both im from California in sertin parts of California people need both

Are the both the Remington 870 express right hand and left hand models parts interchangeable?

Some parts are. Other parts, obviously, are not. You need to be more specific aboyt which parts.

Did fishs need oxygen?

Yes. If they don't, they will suffocate and die, like if you were locked in an airtight room.

What percentage of oxygen is required in a poultry incubator?

If you can breathe in the room the incubator is located in then you will not need to supplement the air they need. Incubators are not airtight.

Does your flesh go moldy when you are buried if you are in an airtight container or a coffin might sound weird but need to know for science homework?

yes but very slowly. If you were placed in a sterile airtight coffin however, you would not decay.

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You need to remove the starter and look at the teeth on both parts.

Does nutritional yeast need refrigeration?

I don't refrigerate mine because I am afraid it will absorb moisture and spoil. I bought it from a bulk bin that was neither refrigerated not airtight, but i keep it in an airtight container. You don't have to refrigerate yeast, but doing so will help keep it fresh longer.

How can one purchse Mercedes parts online?

Mercedes parts can be purchased directly from Mercedes-Benz website as well as The Parts Bin. Depending on which part one is in need of. Searches can be done on both sites with prices listed as well.