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it depends upon what parasite and what host.


1. the phorid fly and leaf cutter ant; the larvae of fly eats the ant from the inside

2. misquito and homans; female misquito injest blood for protein

3. ticks and humans; ticks can give us lyme disease

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12y ago
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12y ago

Parasites attach themselves to host animals mainly for nutrition and shelter. The parasites cannot find their own food and shelter by themselves so they depend on others for this. This habit of parasites may emerge to be harmful for he host body as the parasites draw their nutrition for their own existence.

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11y ago

For many of the same reasons any organism travels. Organisms that travel do so because it is an effective strategy for avoiding predation, leaving regions with unfavorable conditions, entering regions with favorable conditions, finding mates, and finding hosts. A secondary cause of parasite movement is of course that many attach themselves to their hosts and thus travel wherever the host travels, the movements of the host likely dictated by the concerns of predation, food, mating, etc.

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12y ago

They dont. onlly varisus need a host cell.

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12y ago

Because virus has only one genetic material i.e. DNA or RNA. So it has to depend on host's cell for anyone of the genetic material which it lacks.

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11y ago

Um Beacaise I am Stupid ^_%^

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Q: Why do parasites depend on other organisms?
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Organisms depend on each other for food and shelter. For example, herbivores depend on plants for food, while plants depend on herbivores for pollination. Organisms also depend on each other for protection, such as cleaner fish removing parasites from larger fish in a mutualistic relationship.

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This is known as parasitology, which is the branch of science that focuses on the study of parasites and their interactions with their host organisms. Parasites are organisms that depend on other living organisms for their survival and reproduction. This field of study is important for understanding the relationship between parasites and their hosts, as well as for developing strategies to control parasitic infections.

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What are Organisms that grow on or in other organisms are called?

Sounds like you're talking about a parasite.

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It is an organism that depends on other living organisms

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Kingdom Animalia is exclusively heterotrophic and includes many predators and parasites. Animals in this kingdom obtain their nutrients by consuming other organisms. Predators hunt and consume other organisms for food, while parasites live off other organisms, often causing harm in the process.

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Cleaner shrimp eat the parasites from other organisms.