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Q: Why do organistims need to carry out the procss of respiration?
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Do plant cells need to carry respiration?

yes they do

What substances does the body need to carry out cellular respiration?

The body needs glucose and oxygen to carry out cellular respiration. Glucose is the primary source of energy, and oxygen is needed as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain to produce ATP.

Why does human body cells need to carry out cell respiration?

To live

Why do cells need to carry out cellular respiration?

coz ya gay

Why do organisms needed to carry out the process of respiration?

Organisms need to carry out the process of respiration because the cells in the organisms break down simple food molecules and release their energy.

What gas do animals need to carry out life processes?

Animals need oxygen to carry out life processes. Plants need carbon dioxide. Some animals and plants can use either if they need to.

What do plants need to under go respiration?

To carry out respiration plants need the same things as you do! To carry out aerobic respiration they need a food source eg glucose, and oxygen: glucose + oxygen ----> water + carbon dioxide + ENERGY To carry out anaerobic respiration they ony need a source of food: glucose ----> carbon dioxide + ethanol (alcohol) + ENERGY It is important to realise that plants Cary out respiration all of the time, just as your cells do. Also, remember that respiration is the release of energy from food, not breathing. See

What produces produces most of the energy the cell need to carry out its funtiions?

cellular respiration

What two ingredients are needed for your cells to carry out cellular respiration?

Oxygen and glucose are the two main ingredients needed for cells to carry out cellular respiration. Oxygen is used as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, while glucose is the primary source of energy for producing ATP through the process of glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

Do autotrophs need to carry out cellular respiration?

yesAutotrophs produce glucose using sun light energy. This energy later released by respiration

What do you need air for?

You need oxygen from the air, aswell as glucose, in order to carry out respiration which is a chemical process producing energy.

How many organisms need to be in a food chain to carry out cellular respiration?

Every organism in a food chain carries out cellular respiration. It involves the breakdown of organic molecules to release energy for metabolism. So, at least one organism in a food chain is needed to carry out cellular respiration.