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Q: Why do offspring produced by asexual reproduction vary in phenotype?
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Why is offspring produced by asexual reproduction identical to the parent that produced them?

There are no genetics

An organism that is produced by only one parent organism is called?

An organism that is produced by only one parent organism is called asexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction, offspring are genetically identical to the parent organism.

How does DNA in offspring produced by asexual reproduction compare to DNA in offspring produced by sexual reproduction?

In asexual reproduction, offspring inherit the exact DNA of the parent, resulting in identical genetic material. However, in sexual reproduction, offspring inherit a unique combination of genes from two parents, leading to genetic variation and diversity among offspring.

What is the creation of offspring from only one organism called?

asexual reproduction. Mitosis.

What is a sentence using the term asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is the most common method of reproduction among bacteria.

Why is there great Variation in the offspring produced through sexual reproduction but little or no variation in the offspring produced through asexual reproduction?

In asexual reproduction there is no independent orientation of chromosomes, not crossing over and no random fertilization. Cloning the exact genetic material from organism to progeny is all asexual reproduction is. So, very little chance of anything but mutation, copying errors, are going to happen in asexual reproduction.

Why is there great variations in the offspring produced through sexual reproduction but little or no variations in the offspring produced through asexual reproduction?

In sexual reproduction, variations arise because offspring inherit genes from both parents, resulting in unique combinations. Asexual reproduction involves producing offspring genetically identical to the parent because there is no genetic recombination. This leads to little to no variation in the offspring.

Is the term clone applicable to the offspring produced by vegetative reproduction?

yes as it is a type of asexual rep.

What type of reproduction results in uniform offspring?

hen an offspring is produced asexually and looks exactly like the parent.

Do sexual and asexual reproduction compare?

Asexual: the offspring has a single parent.Sexual: the offspring has two parents (combining some chromosomes from each parent). In asexual reproduction, as long as there are no mutations, the offspring are identical to the parents; in sexual reproduction, they are not.

What is assexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction where offspring are produced by a single parent without the need for gametes or the combination of genetic material from two parents. This can occur through processes such as binary fission, budding, or fragmentation. Asexual reproduction results in genetically identical offspring to the parent organism.

Reproduction that results in offspring that are clones is called?

Reproduction that results in offspring that are clones is called asexual reproduction. This process involves a single parent producing genetically identical offspring through processes such as binary fission, budding, or fragmentation.