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So the prey won't escape.

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Q: Why do most carnivores have slightly curved front teeth?
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Related questions

Do dogs have the same teeth as your carnivores?

As dogs are carnivores they have a carnivores teeth

How are the herbivore's teeth different from a carnivore's?

Herbivores have flat, grinding teeth in the front and back, and the carnivores have sharp teeth made for tearing meat.

Do snakes have curved front teeth to chew their prey?

Snakes do not chew their prey, they swallow them whole. Snakes have curved teeth along the whole length of the mouth to hold prey and keep it from escaping. Some snakes have hollow or grooved teeth for injecting venom.

What are the Wild Boar's huge front teeth called in Carnivores Ice Age?

They're called tusks.

Why are cats carnavores?

Cats are carnivores because they have teeth specially designed for ripping, tearing, and gripping meat. Your carnivorous teeth are in the front of your mouth (the pointy ones) and your herbivorous teeth are in the back (flat teeth) .

What do carnivores use their teeth for?

their use their teeth for fossil

What is used by carnivores in eating?


What kind of teeth do carnivores have?

Carnivores typically have sharp teeth with pointed cusps for tearing flesh and slicing meat. They may also have long canines for gripping and killing prey. These teeth are well-suited for a diet that consists primarily of animal tissues.

Are Australian fur seals carnivores?

Yes; just look at their teeth -- those curved, serrated teeth are typical for a carnivore. Australian fur seals mostly eat squid, octopus, fish, and lobsters. They usually dive for their food, on average 120m, but can go as deep as 200m.

How does carnivores get food?

when its teeth because they are sharp

What type of teeth do carnivor's have?

sharp ones carnivores have teeth called canines

My top teeth are pretty straight but my 2 bottom teeth are slightly curving in Also my one molar is way crookedWill they give me braces or like a retainer for that?

A person who's teeth are curved inward, but are not crooked would most likely be given a retainer. Braces are only used for straightening teeth that are crooked.