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Q: Why do meteorologists not try to predict the high temperature of a day six months in the future?
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What will the temperature be on April 30 2011?

It is impossible to predict the weather for a specific day 10 months in advance.

How much is a 1917 penny worth in 20 years?

Not really a valid question. It's usually impossible to predict prices for collectible coins 20 months into the future, let alone 20 years.

How might meteorologists use satellite information on temperature in an area of ocean gathered several months apart?

Meteorologists can analyze the temperature change over time to identify trends and patterns, such as warming or cooling trends in the ocean. This information can help in predicting weather patterns and understanding climate change impacts on the region. Comparing satellite data gathered several months apart also helps in studying seasonal variations and long-term climate patterns.

What do weather maps tell us?

Weather maps provide information about current and forecasted weather conditions such as temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and atmospheric pressure in specific regions. They help meteorologists analyze and visualize weather patterns to make predictions and issue warnings for severe weather events.

Is there a way to predict future changes in refinance rates?

Watching the market and keeping an eye on trends over the last 25-36 months can definitely help predict changes in refinance rate. You can also ask the bank or institution you are with if they plan on implementing changes. They are required by law to give you significant notice now.

Is there going to be a war with Iran?

It is difficult to predict the future: But as at 1 July 2009 I think it is fair to say that the omens do not look good for Peace. Who knows ? Maybe in 12 months time everything will be hunky-dory..... watch this space !

Which state is expected to have the highest temperature?

It is difficult to predict with certainty, but typically states in the southwestern U.S. like Arizona, Texas, and California experience some of the highest temperatures in the country. Additionally, heatwaves can occur in various states during the summer months.

How can you predict which months will have a Friday the 13th?

By looking at what day the month starts on, you can tell if it has a Friday the 13th or not. Months with one will always start on a Sunday.

What is the range of temperature in Montreal?

Temperatures in Montreal vary based on the season. During the winter months, the average temperature is 25 degree Celsius. During the spring months, the average temperature is 55 degrees Celsius. During the summer months, the average temperature is 77 degrees Celsius and during the fall months the average temperature is 45 degrees Celsius.

When does winter sart?

Winter is defined by meteorologists as being the three months with the lowest average temperature, being December, January and February in the Northern Hemisphere. The astronomical winter is based on the position of the Earth in relation to the sun. Weather conditions are not taken into account. Thus 21st December is the accepted date When it gets cold ;)

How meteorologists might use satellite iformation on temperatures in an area of ocean gathered several months apart?

i don't know and this web doesn't because it's stupid

Do the future can means 5 months from now?
