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Q: Why do inclusion bodies accumulate in the cell?
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What is the function of a inclusion?

inclusion in lat. means to include (to add) something for esample: inclusion bodies

What is the difference between organelle and inclusion?

Cell organelle is a permanent substance in the cell and it is a living structure whereas cell inclusion is a temporary substance which is non-living.

Can you see any internal structure in a bacteria?

You would have to use a Microscope, but yes.

What an inclusion?

During periods of nutrient abundance, some can compensate by storing nutrients as inclusion bodies, or inclusions, of varying size, number, and content.

What is an inclusion?

During periods of nutrient abundance, some can compensate by storing nutrients as inclusion bodies, or inclusions, of varying size, number, and content.

What is an inclusion body?

During periods of nutrient abundance, some can compensate by storing nutrients as inclusion bodies, or inclusions, of varying size, number, and content.

What else is cytomeglic inclusion body disease known as?

Cytomegalic inclusion body disease is also known as giant cell inclusion disease, cytomegalovirus infection, and salivary gland disease.

What are the differences between human cell and microbe cell?

Human - or any animal that you can see - is eukarotic. It has a double count of genes which are stored in a nucleus within the cytoplasm ... which also contains a large collection of inclusion bodies. Microbes have only one set of genes which is mixed into the cytoplasm.

How is volleyball an Olympic sport?

Sports bodies apply to the IOC for inclusion and it's then voted on by the IOC council.

What do the Golgi bodies do in a plant cell?

the Golgi bodies give protein and carbohydrates to the cell

What is a word for nerve cell bodies outside CNS?

ganglia is a group of cell bodies in the PNS.

A definition of the word inclusion?

the state of being includedthe relation of comprising something; "he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work"inclusion body: any small intracellular body found within another (characteristic of certain diseases); "an inclusion in the cytoplasm of the cell"the act of including