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Q: Why do glaciers move slow but carry large particles with ease?
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How are glaciers able to carry large particles with ease?

Glaciers are able to carry large particles with ease due to their immense size and weight, which provides the necessary force to move and transport these particles. The ice in glaciers acts as a lubricant, reducing friction between the glacier and the ground, allowing it to slide and carry debris more easily. Additionally, the slow but continuous movement of glaciers over time helps to accumulate and transport large particles along their path.

Why do glaciers move very slowly yet they are able to carry large particales with ease?

Glaciers move slowly because of the immense pressure of their weight and the friction with the ground. This slow movement allows them to pick up and carry large particles easily due to their massive size and strength. The ice deforms and flows around obstacles, carrying the sediment within it as it moves.

When particles move past each other with ease it is called what?

It is called fluidity or viscosity, depending on whether the particles are liquids or gases. Fluidity describes the ease at which particles in a liquid flow past each other, while viscosity is the resistance to flow exhibited by liquids or gases.

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