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Estuaries are vital parts of the marine ecosystem because they allow for two way traffic of fish and other animals between open water and enclosed bodies up stream. These areas are nutrient rich due to the complex variety of lower life forms (like plankton) and minerals found in both fresh and salt water. This then goes on to support the entire food chain.

They are also crucial because many species migrate either out to sea, or up stream to breed, and are incapable of breed elsewhere. Some species of trout for instance has to breed in the relatively still fresh water of lakes, but they will spend most of their adult lives in the large open waters of the ocean. These annual or semi-annual migrations help to feed the food chain all along the length of the river.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

Estuaries are where rivers flow into the ocean. They are important as breeding grounds for many fishes and other organisms. It is often used by migratory waterfowl in addition to resident populations.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Estuaries provide many "ecosystem services." These are functions performed by natural systems that are necessary for human welfare. In the past, these functions were often overlooked and estuaries were considered useful only after they were "reclaimed" for human use. The following are some examples of how we benefit from estuaries.

Erosion control and storm surge protection: Vegetation in estuaries helps to anchor sediment and soil along river banks and shorelines. This prevents stream flows, rainwater and waves from scouring away the land. Estuaries also build up deposits of mud, silt and sand. This natural barrier helps to dissipate the energy of large waves that can otherwise inflict serious damage on human life and property.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

It is important to protect estuaries because they serve as spawning and nursery grounds for many ecologically and commercially important fish and shell-fish invluding bluefish, strip bass, shrimp, and crabs

Hope this helps :)

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โˆ™ 13y ago

•An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea.

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Why estuaries is important to protect estuaries?

It is important to protect estuaries because they serve as spawning and nursery grounds for many ecologically and commercially important fish and shell-fish invluding bluefish, strip bass, shrimp, and crabs Hope this helps :)

Why do crocodiles stay away from estuaries?

Crocodiles stays from estuaries to protect themselves because whales sometimes swim near estuaries and they eat crocodiles for their food.

How are estuaries important to the environment?


Why is estuaries important for rainbow trout?

it is in a lake

What best describes why estuaries are important resources?

Estuaries are important resources because they serve as vital habitats for various species, act as nurseries for young organisms, filter pollutants, protect coastlines from erosion, and provide valuable recreational opportunities for people. They also support diverse ecosystems and contribute to the overall health of the environment.

Why are estuaries so important to fish and shellfish?

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How are estuaries and marshes similar and different?

Estuaries and marshes are both wetland ecosystems that provide important habitat for a variety of plants and animals. However, estuaries are areas where freshwater rivers meet seawater, creating a unique mix of salt and fresh water, while marshes are wetlands dominated by herbaceous plants like grasses and sedges. Estuaries tend to have higher biodiversity due to the mixing of two different water sources, while marshes are important for filtering water and preventing erosion.

Why are etuaries important?

Because estuaries hold organisims which eat enery in a food chain.

Why are estuaries such as Chesapeake Bay important?

They are safe places for young animals to grow up.

Why are esturaies important?

Estuaries are important for many reasons. Estuaries are among the most biologically productive ecosystems on the planet. More than two thirds of the fish and shellfish we eat spend some part of their lives in estuaries. These ecosystems also provide many other important ecological functions; they act as filters for terrestrial pollutants and provide protection from flooding. Estuaries also have economic importance. These dynamic bodies of water provide us with an important source of food, but are also a popular tourist destination. Millions of people visit the nation's estuaries each year to boat, swim, bird watch and fish. thank you Blake Hope this helps you, sincerely Blake Rosenberg.

What are facts about estuaries?

Estuaries are coastal areas where freshwater rivers meet and mix with salty ocean water. They are highly productive ecosystems that provide important habitat for a variety of fish, birds, and other wildlife. Estuaries also serve as natural filters, trapping pollutants and sediments before they reach the ocean.