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Because we are warm blooded, ectothermic are cold blooded and can controll thier body temp. Therefore they have a lower BMR ( Basal metabolic rate )

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1mo ago

Endothermic organisms have a higher Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) because they rely on internal heat production to maintain their body temperature. This requires more energy expenditure compared to ectothermic organisms, which rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. Additionally, endothermic organisms have higher metabolic demands due to their higher activity levels.

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Q: Why do endothermic organisms have a higher BMR than ectotermic organisms?
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How can an endothermic reaction be spontaneous at room temperature?

An endothermic reaction can be spontaneous at room temperature if the increase in entropy of the system is large enough to overcome the energy input required for the reaction. This can happen if the products of the reaction have higher entropy than the reactants. As a result, the overall change in free energy can be negative even though the reaction is endothermic.

The type of chemical change that absorbs heat energy?

Endothermic reactions are the type of chemical changes that absorb heat energy from their surroundings. In these reactions, the products have higher energy content than the reactants, resulting in a decrease in temperature in the surrounding environment.

How us heat included in the equation of an endothermic reaction?

This question is oddly worded, but I am assuming that the author means to ask "in chemical equations for endothermic reactions, is the change in energy (delta H) positive or negative?". For endothermic reactions, heat is absorbed during the reaction, so the energy of the products is higher than the energy of the reactants. Since dH = H(products) - H(reactants). Therefore, dH is positive.

How do you predict if a reaction will be exothermic or endothermic?

You can predict if a reaction will be exothermic or endothermic by comparing the energy of the products and reactants. If the products have lower energy than the reactants, the reaction will be exothermic (energy released). Conversely, if the products have higher energy than the reactants, the reaction will be endothermic (energy absorbed).

Why would the concentration of ddt be less in water than in another organism?

The concentration of DDT is lower in water than in organisms because of bioaccumulation. Organisms absorb DDT from water through their food or direct exposure, leading to higher concentrations in their bodies compared to the surrounding environment. As DDT moves up the food chain, its concentration increases at each trophic level, resulting in higher levels in organisms than in the water.

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Do endothermic organisms temperatures rise and the temperatures rise?

endothermic means it is absorbing heat. the heat within the organism would be warmer than the surrounding environment over time.

Do endothermic reaction have reactants with more energy than its products?

Yes, endothermic reactions absorb heat from their surroundings, causing the products to have higher energy than the reactants. This results in an overall increase in the energy of the system.

Which components of an endothermic reaction have a higher heat content?

In an endothermic reaction, the products have a higher heat content than the reactants. This means that energy is absorbed from the surroundings, resulting in a decrease in temperature.

In an endothermic reaction which has the lower energy?

In an endothermic reaction, the products have higher energy than the reactants. This means the reactants have lower energy compared to the products.

How do the body temperatures of the two organisms change as the ground temperature changes?

thermoregulation occurs in ectotermic & endothermic organism according to the change of ground temperature.Generally ectotermic / poikilothermic animals obtain heat from the enviroment than the metabolic rate to raise their body temperatures is bcoz,they have low metabolic rate & unable to maintain their body temperature within the narrow limits using physiological mechanism.Example of organism are non-vertabrates,fish, amphibia & reptiles.Lizard are reptiles, which we noticed that they are nocturnal.this is bcoz during day time they move to dark area / find shelter under rock in order to obtain heat energy from the surrounding or enviromemt.So they able to save energy to prey at night time.However, endothermic or homoiothermic animals rely on metabolic heat to maintain their body temperature able to maintain the body temperature by physiological mechanism.example are bird & mammal's.This is how different kind of organism maintain the body temperature according to the enviroment.

In an endothermic reaction are the products more or less stable than the reactants and explain your answer?

In an endothermic reaction, the products are generally less stable than the reactants. This is because the reaction absorbs heat from the surroundings to proceed, indicating that the products have higher potential energy than the reactants.

How can you tell if a chemical equation is endothermic?

An endothermic reaction absorbs heat from its surroundings, causing a decrease in temperature. In a chemical equation, if the products have a higher energy content than the reactants, it indicates that the reaction is endothermic. This can be determined by examining the enthalpy change (∆H) of the reaction.

What is the sign of the enthalpy change for an endothermic reaction?

Endothermic reaction: In an endothermic reaction, the products are higher in energy than the reactants. Therefore, the change in enthalpy is positive, and heat is absorbed from the surroundings by the reaction therefore enthalpy change show positive sign in a endothermic reaction..

How can an endothermic reaction be spontaneous at room temperature?

An endothermic reaction can be spontaneous at room temperature if the increase in entropy of the system is large enough to overcome the energy input required for the reaction. This can happen if the products of the reaction have higher entropy than the reactants. As a result, the overall change in free energy can be negative even though the reaction is endothermic.

What happens when the number of organisms is an environment is higher than the carrying capacity?

then the organisms must compete for living space The population will decrease.

Are bats endothermic or exothermic?

Bats are endothermic, meaning they can internally regulate their body temperature. They are warm-blooded animals that maintain a constant body temperature, usually higher than their surrounding environment. This helps them to sustain their high metabolic rate required for flight and other activities.