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They are only points of light. The figures cultures have come up with by "connecting the dots" are only in their minds.

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Q: Why do constellations vary from one culture to another?
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How is galaxies and constellations not alike?

one thing galaxy's have planets but not constellations another... constellations look like that the stars are close but the aren't

How is the Chinese belief about dragons different from other cultures?

The beliefs vary from one culture to another.

Why would one culture name a constellation great hunter and another culture name the same constellation great dog?

because constellations don't look a whole lot like actual people or dogs. throw down a few random dots on a piece of paper and I bet you could come up with a hundred possibilities for "constellations"

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Everyone has some sort of standards , but they vary widely from place to place and one culture to another.

What are some other culture belifts?

Beliefs that vary from one culture to another include cosmology (beliefs about the structure of the universe and beliefs relating to rituals. Each culture has a unique set of customs, or ways of doing things.

What kinds of social behavior are thought to be proscribed?

These are the types of things you find written in a book of Etiquette, and may vary widely from one culture to another.

What are constellations for?

No one exactly knows what are constellations for.

What occurs when culture traits from one culture are adopted by another culture?

The term is cultural diffusion, or cultural exchange. The exact results can vary with anything from new technology or ideas to a drastic change in culture. Look up "cultural diffusion" or "cultural exchange" for maximum information.

Can you see the same constellations from another planet?

No, constellations are patterns of stars as seen from Earth's perspective. From another planet, the arrangement of stars in the sky would appear different due to the planet's position in space. Therefore, you would not see the same constellations as from Earth.

What is the study of constellations?

The study of constellations is called astronomy. Astronomers observe, classify, and study the patterns of stars in the night sky to understand their positions, movements, and relationships with one another. Constellations are important for navigation, cultural significance, and scientific research in astronomy.

What is a process by which an innovation or culture trait spreads from one culture to another?


What is an example of culture change due to culture of Adoption?

Implementing the food of another culture into one's diet