

Why do bones not excrete?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: Why do bones not excrete?
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What do bones excrete?

Waste matter

Do bones excrete?

yes they do by using calccium

What do whales excrete?

feces. In their feces is fish bones and stuff.

Do clouds excrete?

no, clouds not excrete

Do plants excrete?

yes plants do infact excrete

Do alligators excrete?

Yes. All animals excrete.

Why do ferrets excrete?

Ferrets excrete to get rid of waste

Do cactus excrete?

All living things excrete.

What do the lungs excrete or remove from the body?

Lungs excrete carbon dioxide and kidneys excrete urea and other substance

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Gives them a temporary burst of energy; also it makes your body excrete more calcium which is problematic as teenagers are growing at this age and you need calcium for your bones.

How yeast excrete?

Yeast excrete CO2 after they undergo respiration.

Why animals have to excrete?

animals have to excrete to remove wastes from their body