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All planets, both with and without atmospheres, encounter meteoroids. If the planet has an atmosphere then those meteoroids will burn up long before reaching the surface. Those without atmospheres do not have such protection and so the meteoroids strike the surface directly.

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Q: Why do all planets with and without atmospheres collide with meteoroids?
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Why are gas planets larger than terrestrial?

The masses of the gas giants are greater, which would make them larger, and their gravity can hold more massive atmospheres. Due to limits on the compressibility of atmospheric gases, these atmospheres are very deep. The lower solar heating farther from the Sun also plays a role in allowing these planets to maintain a high percentage of their lighter gases (hydrogen, helium) than the inner planets. So, even without their atmospheres, the cores of gas giants would have greater diameters than the terrestrial planets. They are simply bigger planets.

How would the chemicals of other planets atmosphere's react with those of earths?

The chemical reactions between Earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of other planets would depend on the specific composition of each atmosphere. Interaction could lead to chemical changes, such as oxidation reactions or the formation of new compounds. However, without specific details on the atmospheres in question, it's difficult to predict the exact nature of the reactions.

What feature separates the rocky planets from the gas planets?

The rocky planets are characterized by having solid surfaces composed of rock and metal, while gas planets are predominantly made up of gases such as hydrogen and helium without a solid surface. Additionally, rocky planets are smaller and denser compared to gas planets.

Which is true about gas giants?

Gas giants are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, are much larger than terrestrial planets, and do not have a solid surface. They have thick atmospheres made up of various gases and exhibit strong magnetic fields due to their swirling metallic hydrogen cores.

How does a supernova impact other planets?

A supernova explosion can impact other planets by releasing intense radiation and shock waves that can strip away their atmospheres, cause mass extinctions, or even destroy them completely depending on their distance from the explosion. The remnants of the exploded star can also enrich nearby planets with heavy elements created in the supernova, influencing the composition of their surfaces and atmospheres.

Related questions

How many planets have atmosphere?

Eight planets in our solar system have atmospheres. These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Why are gas planets larger than terrestrial?

The masses of the gas giants are greater, which would make them larger, and their gravity can hold more massive atmospheres. Due to limits on the compressibility of atmospheric gases, these atmospheres are very deep. The lower solar heating farther from the Sun also plays a role in allowing these planets to maintain a high percentage of their lighter gases (hydrogen, helium) than the inner planets. So, even without their atmospheres, the cores of gas giants would have greater diameters than the terrestrial planets. They are simply bigger planets.

What are astoroids?

Asteroids are metallic, rocky bodies without atmospheres that orbit the Sun but are too small to be classified as planets.

How would the chemicals of other planets atmosphere's react with those of earths?

The chemical reactions between Earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of other planets would depend on the specific composition of each atmosphere. Interaction could lead to chemical changes, such as oxidation reactions or the formation of new compounds. However, without specific details on the atmospheres in question, it's difficult to predict the exact nature of the reactions.

What feature separates the rocky planets from the gas planets?

The rocky planets are characterized by having solid surfaces composed of rock and metal, while gas planets are predominantly made up of gases such as hydrogen and helium without a solid surface. Additionally, rocky planets are smaller and denser compared to gas planets.

Why don't planets collide?

Planets do not collide because of gravitational forces that keep them in stable orbits around the sun. These gravitational forces cause planets to travel in predictable paths without intersecting each other's orbits. Additionally, the vast distances between planets in our solar system help prevent collisions.

Is it possible planets collide with another?

In the early stages of planet formation, planets did in fact hit other planets. Mercury, Earth and Uranus all have signs of planetary impacts. Nowadays, the solar system is stable and a planetary collision is highly unlikely without some form of external impetus.

Which is true about gas giants?

Gas giants are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, are much larger than terrestrial planets, and do not have a solid surface. They have thick atmospheres made up of various gases and exhibit strong magnetic fields due to their swirling metallic hydrogen cores.

How does a supernova impact other planets?

A supernova explosion can impact other planets by releasing intense radiation and shock waves that can strip away their atmospheres, cause mass extinctions, or even destroy them completely depending on their distance from the explosion. The remnants of the exploded star can also enrich nearby planets with heavy elements created in the supernova, influencing the composition of their surfaces and atmospheres.

What will happen if you go on other planets?

The two other terrestrial planets in our solar system with atmospheres would not support life. Venus is the hottest planet, with crushing atmospheric pressure. Anyone would die very quickly on its surface without a good space suit. Mars has a very thin atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas), but essentially no free oxygen either. There are other planets in our galaxy, orbiting other stars. We know what the atmospheres of some of those planets are like. So far we haven't found any much like earth, but that is because earth is small, and only recently have we developed the technology to find planets as small as ours.

Why are gas giants larger than terrestrial planets?

Gas giants are larger than terrestrial planets because they are primarily composed of lighter elements like hydrogen and helium, which are less dense than the rocky material found in terrestrial planets. This lighter composition allows gas giants to accumulate more mass and grow larger in size. Additionally, gas giants have strong gravitational forces that enable them to attract and retain vast amounts of gas and other materials from their surrounding environment.

What is the main difference between the inner planets and the outer planets?

The main difference between the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) and the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) is their composition and size. The inner planets are smaller, rocky planets with solid surfaces, while the outer planets are larger gas giants composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. Additionally, the inner planets are closer to the sun, while the outer planets are farther away.