

Why do Neptune travel slowly?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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9y ago

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Neptune moves slowly because it rotates on its axis every 16 hours and orbits the sun every 164.79 Earth years.

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How fast does neptune travel?

5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 million miles an hour

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Why is neptunes year so much longer than an earth year?

This is because Neptune is much further from the sun. Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun, taking the longest time to complete one orbit, 164.79 years in total. It has to travel a much longer journey and also travels more slowly around the sun.

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It is the spacecraft voyager 2 , it is the only spacecraft to visit Neptune, and travel further.

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Tempurature makes sound travel slowly. If it is cold outside sound travels slowly and if it is hot outside sound travels quickly.