

Why disaster take place?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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10y ago

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It seems as though there is a larger amount of disaster happening now, however we have to remember that that's how life is. In the past there have always been disasters. Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Etc. We just take note to them now as they affect our lives.

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17y ago

Disaster happens because of entropy, the universe's natural tendency towards disorder

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14y ago

a disaster happens when you miss a step or do something wrong.

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12y ago

Because when god is angry he makes a forest fire and when Zeus gets angry he makes thunder and lighterning....or it could be because of climate change

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The time it takes to restore the damage of a blizzard disaster varies depending on the severity of the damage and resources available. It can take weeks to months for communities to fully recover, including clearing roads, restoring power, and repairing buildings. Recovery efforts involve collaboration among government agencies, nonprofits, and volunteers to expedite the process.

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Where can I learn about disaster relief?

The American Red Cross is the best place to learn about disaster relief. You can take classes at many of their facilities or learn from from their website.

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