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to fight to the death with a transformer that lived on mars

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3d ago

The Mars rovers were built to explore the surface of Mars, conduct scientific research, and gather data to learn more about the planet's geology, climate, and potential for past or present life. They also help pave the way for future human missions to Mars.

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12y ago

It takes pictures of what is there like rocks, or any life that may be there

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Q: Why did they build the Mars rover?
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What country built the Mars rover?

The Mars rover was built by the United States of America.

What year was the Mars Rover discovered?

The Mars Rover was not discovered it was invented.

Where the Mars rover was invented?

The Mars rover was invented by NASA, specifically by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. JPL has been responsible for designing and building several successful Mars rovers, including the Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance rovers.

What is the mission of the Mars rover Spirit?

the mars rover Spirit found water or ice on Mars

Does the Mars Rover have any cameras?

Yes, the Mars Rover has cameras to examine the land on Mars.

Why did they made the Mars rover?

NASA made the mars rover probably because they want to learn about Mars.

Are the Mars lunar rover the same as the Mars exploration rover?

No they are different rovers.

What system did Mars have?

mars rover

How did the Mars rover get on Mars?

by rockets

Where is Mars rover landed?

On Mars...

Where is the Mars rover now?


What is a rover that visited mars?

Curiosity rover