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it allowed biologists to study meiosis and mitosis, revealing the parallels between the behaviors of genes and chromosomes.

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The improved microscopy techniques in the late 1800s allowed scientists like Gregor Mendel to study and observe cellular structures and processes with more detail, leading to the discovery of transmission of traits through generations. This laid the foundation for understanding genetic inheritance and the emergence of modern genetics.

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Q: Why did the improvement of microscopy techniques in the late 1800's set the stage for the emergence of modern genetics?
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What branch of genetics does cytogenetics cover?

Cytogenetics is the branch of genetics that covers the cell structure and function. The G-banded chromosomes are routinely analyzed and other banding techniques as well.

What does it mean to select the traits you desire?

In genetics, it means to use genetic techniques to select the traits you want your offspring to have.

Is it possible to distinguish between plants altered by classical genetics and those altered by modern techniques?

No, it is not possible to distinguish between plants altered by classical genetics and those altered by modern techniques based on physical characteristics alone. Both types can exhibit similar traits or attributes as a result of genetic modification. Additional testing or documentation would be needed to discern the specific alteration method.

What is bacterial genetics?

Bacterial genetics is the study of the mechanisms by which bacteria inherit traits from their parent cells, including the transfer of genetic material through processes like conjugation, transformation, and transduction. By understanding bacterial genetics, researchers can study how bacteria evolve, develop resistance to antibiotics, and cause infections. This field has also led to the development of genetic engineering techniques for manipulating bacteria to produce useful proteins or to study specific genes and their functions.

Name the 4 branches of genetics?

Behavioural genetics Classical genetics Developmental genetics Conservation genetics

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Cytogenetics is the branch of genetics that covers the cell structure and function. The G-banded chromosomes are routinely analyzed and other banding techniques as well.

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What does it mean to select the traits you desire?

In genetics, it means to use genetic techniques to select the traits you want your offspring to have.

How has technology help biologist gain better understanding of life?

Technology has allowed biologists to visualize biological processes at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels through techniques like microscopy and imaging. Advances in genomics, such as next-generation sequencing, have revolutionized the study of genetics and gene expression. Bioinformatics tools have enabled the analysis of complex biological data, leading to insights into the relationships between genes, proteins, and biological functions.

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What is a sentence using the word cytogentics?

Cytogenetics is a branch of the biological sciences that studies hereditary variations.Practitioners use techniques from both Cytology and Genetics

What criteria would you use to decide which phase a cell is in?

To determine which phase a cell is in, we typically assess the cell's DNA content, morphology, and the activity of specific cell cycle markers, such as cyclins and CDKs. Techniques like flow cytometry or microscopy can be employed to monitor changes in these parameters and assign the cell to a specific phase of the cell cycle. Additionally, synchronization methods can help enrich a population of cells in a particular phase for more accurate analysis.

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Is it possible to distinguish between plants altered by classical genetics and those altered by modern techniques?

No, it is not possible to distinguish between plants altered by classical genetics and those altered by modern techniques based on physical characteristics alone. Both types can exhibit similar traits or attributes as a result of genetic modification. Additional testing or documentation would be needed to discern the specific alteration method.

What is a crop scientist?

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