theory is that cells came to Earth from comets or from aliens seeding the planet...the operative term is theory.
the first type of cells on the early earth were prokaryote cells.
The biosphere is defined as the living organisms on earth. As such, it began to evolve when the first organisms appeared. Currently, this is believed to have happened about 3.5 billion years ago.
The first cells to evolve in primitive Earth were most likely members of the domain Bacteria. These cells were prokaryotic, lacking a true nucleus, and could survive in extreme environments. Their simple structure and ability to adapt to various conditions allowed them to thrive and serve as the foundation for life on Earth.
Scientific Answer:Most evolutionary biologists theorize that the first living organisms were single-celled prokariotes similar to currently existing bacteria.The distinction between proto-biotic and true life is a difficult one, so while there were self-replicating amino acid chains, the first life would have been a distinct cell that divided in an aqueous (watery) environment.(see related link on abiogenesis)
A turtle ate another planet and excreted the left-overs.
egg cell?
The answer to this question is fish as fishes were the first invertbrates to evolve.
the first type of cells on the early earth were prokaryote cells.
The first living things on Earth, single-celled micro-organisms lacking a cell nucleus or cell membrane and known as prokaryotes first appeared on Earth almost four billion years ago.
When God made the earth he made the frist female meerkat and first male meerkat
The biosphere is defined as the living organisms on earth. As such, it began to evolve when the first organisms appeared. Currently, this is believed to have happened about 3.5 billion years ago.
Mallard ducks were never introduced. Mallards were the first duck ever on planet Earth.
No one knows what was the first plant to evolve from single celled life forms, so the first one likely does not have a name.
The first cells to evolve in primitive Earth were most likely members of the domain Bacteria. These cells were prokaryotic, lacking a true nucleus, and could survive in extreme environments. Their simple structure and ability to adapt to various conditions allowed them to thrive and serve as the foundation for life on Earth.