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Q: Why did catholic church leaders oppose Galileo's heliocebtric (Sun-centered) model of the universe?
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Why was the Catholic Church threatened by Galileos observations of the universe?

Because the Catholic doctrine was that Rome was the centre of the universe and all things revolved round it. When Galileo saw the moons of Jupiter orbiting jupiter, this proved that Catholic teaching and beliefs were wrong and if this was wrong, what else about Catholic teaching may be wrong!

Why was Galileos idea considered so unusual at that time?

Beacause people thought that the Earth was the middle of the universe, not the sun.

Why do you think the catholic church objected to the galileos theories so strongly?

He was charged with heresy, a serious crime in those days, for contradicting the church's belief that the Earth is at the centre of the Universe. The church said that if there was proof of this idea, they would have to have a rethink. But in court Galileo could produce no proof and he recanted. But later in the 17th century after Galileo's lifetime scientific discoveries led everyone to accept that the Sun is at the centre of the solar system (but not the Universe).

What controversy did Galileos work cause?

Galileo's work caused controversy because it challenged the accepted geocentric model of the universe, which placed Earth at the center. His support for the heliocentric model, with the sun at the center, contradicted religious teachings of the time. This led to conflicts with the Catholic Church and Galileo being condemned for heresy.

How was Galileo treated when he published his scientific findings about the heliocentric nature of the universe?

When Galileo published his scientific findings about the heliocentric nature of the universe he was tried and condemned as a heretic by the Roman Catholic Inquisition

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Why was the Catholic Church threatened by Galileos observations of the universe?

Because the Catholic doctrine was that Rome was the centre of the universe and all things revolved round it. When Galileo saw the moons of Jupiter orbiting jupiter, this proved that Catholic teaching and beliefs were wrong and if this was wrong, what else about Catholic teaching may be wrong!

Wich of galileos theroies where most offensive to the church?

The Theory that the earth was not in the center of the universe.

Why was Galileos idea considered so unusual at that time?

Beacause people thought that the Earth was the middle of the universe, not the sun.

Why do you think the catholic church objected to the galileos theories so strongly?

He was charged with heresy, a serious crime in those days, for contradicting the church's belief that the Earth is at the centre of the Universe. The church said that if there was proof of this idea, they would have to have a rethink. But in court Galileo could produce no proof and he recanted. But later in the 17th century after Galileo's lifetime scientific discoveries led everyone to accept that the Sun is at the centre of the solar system (but not the Universe).

What controversy did Galileos work cause?

Galileo's work caused controversy because it challenged the accepted geocentric model of the universe, which placed Earth at the center. His support for the heliocentric model, with the sun at the center, contradicted religious teachings of the time. This led to conflicts with the Catholic Church and Galileo being condemned for heresy.

What was the middle aged view of the universe?

The Catholic church taught that the earth was the center of the universe and all things moved around the earth. Man was the greatest creature of the universe.

Why did people believe earth was center of universe?

Because it was the old catholic churches teachings.

What were the long-held beliefs of the Catholic Church that scientists challenged?

That the Earth was the center of the Universe.

How did the establishment of a heliocentric universe affect people's lives?

It destroyed the domination of the catholic church.

How was Galileo treated when he published his scientific findings about the heliocentric nature of the universe?

When Galileo published his scientific findings about the heliocentric nature of the universe he was tried and condemned as a heretic by the Roman Catholic Inquisition

Is there a Catholic church near Walt Disney World for a wedding?

The nearest Catholic churches are Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary Queen of the Universe (about 3.5 miles away) and Corpus Christi Catholic Church (about 8 miles away).There is no Catholic church on Walt Disney World property.Address:

Did scientific think the earth was the center of the universe?

Yes, for close to 1,400 years everyone believed the Earth was the center of the universe. It was not till 1543 that a man named Copernicus created a model with the sun as the center of the universe. The Catholic Church clung to the idea of the Earth as the center of the universe for over 90 years.