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Please do not answer if you are quessing. I see many wrong answers on this site. Galileo does not have Mercury in it. It is water and a light weight petroleum mixure. Also, glass thermometers no longer have mercury.

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Q: Why did carpet expand where Galileo liquid spilled?
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To get rid of the petroleum smell after a Galileo thermometer breaks, first ensure proper ventilation in the area. Clean up any spilled liquid using absorbent materials and dispose of them properly. White vinegar can be effective for removing residual odors; leave a bowl of vinegar near the spill area to help absorb the smell.

You spilled Ajax spray n wipe on your carpet will it bleach the carpet or can you leave it to dry?

It really depends on the quality of your carpet and which variety of Spray and Wipe that you spilled. At very minimum, it is best to stack paper towels and press them onto the spot to blot up as much of the liquid as you can. Even if it doesn't bleach, this will prevent it from becoming a stiff or sticky spot of the carpeting.

How can I effectively clean spilled milk on carpet?

To effectively clean spilled milk on carpet, first blot up as much of the liquid as possible with a clean cloth. Then, mix a solution of mild dish soap and water and gently dab the stain with a sponge. Rinse with clean water and blot dry. If the stain persists, consider using a carpet cleaner or seeking professional help.

How can I effectively clean up milk spilled on carpet?

To effectively clean up spilled milk on carpet, first blot up as much of the liquid as possible with a clean cloth. Then, mix a solution of mild dish soap and water and gently dab the stain with a sponge. Rinse with clean water and blot dry. Repeat if necessary until the stain is removed.

What is the best way to clean a sisal carpet aside from carpet cleaner?

Sisal carpet is likely to shrink if it is cleaned with a large amount of liquid. These carpets are best used in low traffic areas which aren't subject to spills. If you do however spill liquid on the sisal carpet it needs to be cleaned immediately. Blot it with a dry cloth and do not rub the liquid in. If juice or something like it has been spilled, try using a half water half vinegar solution blotting the cloth gently on the stain. Remember, do not get the carpet any more wet with the cleaning solution!

What is a word for upset liquid?

Spilled or spilt.

What will happen to the liquid in the glass if a flame is lit the liquid will'?

Expand Slightly

What are the advantages of ceramic flooring?

Ceramic flooring is much more easier to wipe using mop and soap water. It's easier for one to clean than compared to carpet which absorbs in liquid when spilled on the floor.

Who is responsible for wettability of a surface by a liquid?

I can't help myself: "The person who spilled the Liquid"! ;-)

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How do you get an entire bottle of shampoo out of your carpet?

To remove a spilled bottle of shampoo from carpet, first blot up excess liquid with a clean cloth. Then mix a solution of dish soap and warm water, apply to the affected area, and blot until the shampoo is lifted. Finally, rinse with clean water and blot dry.

What are the differences between a gas and a liquid?

A gas can freely expand and be compressed, depending on the pressure. A liquid is practical incompressible.A gas can freely expand and be compressed, depending on the pressure. A liquid is practical incompressible.A gas can freely expand and be compressed, depending on the pressure. A liquid is practical incompressible.A gas can freely expand and be compressed, depending on the pressure. A liquid is practical incompressible.