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Q: Why did Galileo repeat his observation?
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What were Galileo's observation?

Galileo's observation was that all the planets revoled around the earth and he though earth was a middle planet

What happened to the existing model of the Universe after Galileo's observation?

Galileo is famous for observing and proving his heliocentric model of the universe. After his observation the existing model of the universe was slowly phased out.

What is repeated observation?

A repeated observation is when you repeat an observation that was already used

Why did Galileo have different beliefs?

he believed in the truth of observation & reason

What conclusion did Galileo draw from his observation of sunspots?

He noticed that they were in the shapes of animals.

The findings of Galileo and newton were significant because?

It was based upon observation and experimentation.

Who is the scientisit that invented the telescope?

I don't exactly know who, but it is NOT, I repeat, NOT Galileo

What theory did Galileo's overturn?

He showed that the geo-centric view of our solar system did not match observation, but that the helio-centric view did. More fundamentally, Galileo Galilei led the way to a view that observation should take precedence over philosophy when determining truth about our world.

What did Galileo teach about the value of obseving and experiment?

"Experimenting is the best way to get scientific information. Experiments are valuable only when closely and accurately observed."

Which invention of the 1600s contributed to the scientific discoveries and observations of the Enlightenment?

Galileo's telescope contributed to the discoveries and observation of the Enlightenment.

How did galileo's observation support the heliocentric system?

Venus goes through phases similar to those of Earth's moon.#1Direction

What is the significance of Galileo observation of the phases of Venus?

The phases of the planet Venus are the different variations of lighting seen on the planet's surface