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Galileo was forced to recant his theories about the Earth's rotation because of the Church. His theories went against the biblical scriptures and therefore he was forced by the Pope and the clergy to retract all his theories from society.

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8y ago

Galileo postulated that the earth was NOT the center of the universe. The Catholic Church strongly disapproved of this idea. They thought that since God made the world, the earth was the center of everything. The church excommunicated Galileo when he would not give up on this idea. In order to get back in good standing with the church, he would have to repent and recant his findings. He was allowed back into the church after his recantation. (However, Galileo maintained this scientific hypothesis-- it could be said he recanted his first recantation!)

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Xavier Hernandez

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4y ago

The church thretaned him with death if he did not.

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12y ago

because he was wrong.

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Q: Why did Galileo have to withdraw his theories about the earths rotation?
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