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A natural disaster is a naturally occurring undesirable phenomenon which causes damage or else is not viewed favorably by humans. Cyclones, when severe or unexpected, may take a serious toll on human lives and property and can cause billions of dollars worth of damage. They are certainly also naturally occurring - part of the Earth's natural cycle. These two factors together make the cyclone a natural disaster.

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13y ago
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13y ago

A natural disaster is a naturally occurring undesirable phenomenon which causes damage or else is not viewed favorably by humans. Cyclones, when severe or unexpected, may take a serious toll on human lives and property and can cause billions of dollars worth of damage. They are certainly also naturally occurring - part of the Earth's natural cycle. These two factors together make the cyclone a natural disaster.

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13y ago

A disaster is an event that causes significant damage and or loss of life. For an earthquake to be a disaster it therefore has to cause either of those things.

So an earthquake occurring near a populated area of a country which causes significant damage and loss of life (e.g. the January 2010 Haitian earthquake) would count as a disaster, whereas a large earthquake that occurs a very large distance away from a populated area would not be a disaster because no one would be injured and nothing would be damaged.

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14y ago

cuz they r disastrous and they r common in some countries and etc.

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12y ago

A tornado is a natural disaster because it is a naturally occurring event that can cause destruction of property and loss of human life, sometimes to an extreme degree.

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8y ago

It is a natural hazard because it causes damage and loss of life, but it is not a man-made wind.

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7y ago

Simply because it's not man-made. A hurricane is a naturally-occurring weather system.

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Q: Why cyclone is considered as natural hazards?
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What type of natural hazard caused the cyclone domoina?

tropical cyclone

What is the difference between natural hazards and man made hazards?

Natural hazards are events caused by natural forces such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or floods, whereas man-made hazards are events that result from human activities, such as industrial accidents, terrorism, or infrastructure failures. While natural hazards are typically beyond human control, man-made hazards can often be mitigated through careful planning and regulation.

When is a natural disaster considered to be a natural hazard?

A natural disaster is considered to be a natural hazard when it poses a threat to human life, property, and the environment due to the forces of nature. Natural hazards become disasters when they result in significant damage and loss, impacting communities and their ability to recover.

How are natural hazards and environmental hazards different?

Natural hazards are natural events that have the potential to cause harm to people or property, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. Environmental hazards refer to threats to human health and the environment caused by human activities, such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change. While natural hazards are caused by natural forces, environmental hazards are largely influenced by human actions.

Is there a natural disaster that starts with c?

A cyclone, also known as a hurricane or typhoon depending on the region, is a natural disaster that starts with the letter "c". Cyclones are powerful storms characterized by strong winds and heavy rainfall that can cause widespread destruction.

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Is cyclone Emma a natural disaster?

yes a cyclone is a natural disaster

What are natural and man made hazards?

Natural hazards are events like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods that occur due to natural processes. Man-made hazards are events like industrial accidents, terrorism, and infrastructure failures that are caused by human activities. Both types of hazards can pose risks to human life, property, and the environment.

What is the relation between Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events?

Natural hazards are events or phenomena that have the potential to cause harm to people, property, and the environment, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods. When these hazards escalate and result in significant damage, loss of life, or disruption to communities, they are considered catastrophic events. Essentially, catastrophic events are extreme manifestations of natural hazards.

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What are the natural hazards of Argentina?

I think the natural hazards are earthquakes and hurricane's.

What type of natural hazard caused the cyclone domoina?

tropical cyclone

Why are some hazards like floods socio-natural hazards?

why are some hazards like floods social -natural hazarts

When was Center for Natural Hazards Research created?

Center for Natural Hazards Research was created in 2001.

Are there any natural hazards in Malta?

There are no natural hazards in Malta (according to the CIA World Factbook).

What kind of natural risks are Germany prone to?

There are many natural hazards that can be found in Germany. These natural hazards include but are not limited to tornadoes.

Are animals pedestrians and bicyclists considered roadside hazards?

It depends on the context, but pedestrians and cyclists, if obeying rules, are not hazards. Animals are considered hazards

Name two cyclone prone areas in India and why are they considered as cyclone prone areas?

orrissa and gujurat