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Concentrated products are often more cost-effective and environmentally friendly to ship and package. They also allow for more control over the product's strength when being used, offering versatility for different applications. Additionally, concentrated products typically require less storage space, making them more convenient for both manufacturers and consumers.

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Q: Why concentrated products better then diluted?
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Concentrated acetic acid has a higher conductivity compared to diluted acetic acid. This is because the concentration of ions in the solution is higher in concentrated acetic acid, leading to better electrical conductivity. Diluting the acetic acid reduces the number of ions present, resulting in lower conductivity.

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A concentrated buffer has a higher concentration of buffer components compared to a diluted buffer. Concentrated buffers are typically used for preparing stock solutions, while diluted buffers are used for specific applications where a lower concentration is needed. Diluted buffers are often made by diluting a concentrated buffer with water or another solvent.

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What is the difference between concentrated and diluted?

Concentrated refers to a substance with a high amount of solute compared to the solvent, resulting in a strong solution. Diluted, on the other hand, describes a solution with a low amount of solute compared to the solvent, making it weaker or less potent.

What is differentiate diluted from concentrated?

Diluted refers to having a low concentration of a substance in a solution, with more of the solvent present. Concentrated, on the other hand, means having a high concentration of a substance in a solution, with less solvent present. In simple terms, diluted means more watered down, while concentrated means stronger or more potent.

Is NaSCN concentrated or diluted in water?

This depends on the desired concentration.

What has more mass concentrated salt or diluted salt?

concenrated. diluted means it has been separated or mixed to spread it.

How does the difference between a concentrated acid and a diluted acid affects the hazards of the solution?

A concentrated acid is more dangerous.

How do you make a concentrated solution more diluted?

You add more solvent.

When more solvent is added what will happen to concentrated solutition?

It becomes diluted.