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Swallowing ones tongue is impossible due to the lingual frenulum, or root of the tongue, on the underside of the tongue.

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4w ago

The tongue is attached to the bottom of the mouth by the lingual frenulum, which prevents it from being swallowed. Additionally, the swallowing reflex is controlled by the brain to prevent this from happening.

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Q: Why cant the tongue be swallowed?
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No, it is swallowed with water.

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This too shall pass, buy a new barbell or just wait.

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Okapi.They Cant With There Tongue But They Can With There Foot ! :)

Is it possible for a human to swallow their own tongue?

It is not possible for a person to swallow their own tongue. The tongue is attached to the bottom of the mouth by a strong band of tissue called the frenulum, which prevents it from being swallowed.

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A shoe.

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you have bitten you tongue or you might have swallowed a teeth while sleeping :D

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Yes, narwhals have a tongue like other mammals, which is located in their mouth. However, since narwhals primarily feed on fish and squid, their tongues are not as prominent as those of other animals that may use them for more diverse purposes.

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Can TCP help fight blisters on you tongue?

TCP is a type of antiseptic that is widely available in the UK and Ireland. Yes, TCP can help fight blisters on your tongue but it must be diluted with water and not swallowed. It is fine to dab diluted TCP on your tongue or to gargle it.