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plants and animals are not adapted to absorb nitrogen from the air. Nitrogen Fixation is a process where nitrogen is changed into a more reactive form for plants and animals to use. There are several ways where nitrogen fixation can happen: lightning, bacteria, carnivorous plants and industrial fixation.

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16y ago
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4mo ago

Plants can't directly absorb gaseous nitrogen because they lack the necessary enzymes to break the strong triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms in N2 gas. Instead, plants rely on nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil to convert gaseous nitrogen into a usable form, such as ammonium or nitrate, that they can absorb through their roots.

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12y ago

Nitrogen (N2) in the air is so strongly bound between the 2 atoms that it is practically an inert gas. It reacts with few other chemicals and can only be processed by nitrogen fixing bacteria that have special enzymes. Lots of energy is needed to break all 3 bonds holding those 2 nitrogen atoms together.

Plants are only equipped to use fixed nitrogen, in either the ammoniac (NH3) or nitric (NO3) forms.

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13y ago

Because nitrogen in it's natural state in air is triple bonded and plants do not have the enzymes to break the triple bonds yielding the nitrates they need. So, their symbiots, bacteria , do it for them in root nodes and for a sugar payment.

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8y ago

It is in the wrong chemical form, only nitrogen in nitrate (-NO3) or ammonia (-NH4) forms can be used by plants and only nitrogen in amino acids can be used by animals.

Only certain anaerobic bacteria called "nitrogen fixing bacteria" can directly use atmospheric nitrogen.

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14y ago

Because the triple bond in nitrogen (N≡N) makes it almost inert and very hard to separate. Plants instead rely on nitrogen-fixing bacteria and ammonification to fix nitrogen in the soil.

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13y ago

Plants and animals cannot use nitogen as it is found in the atmosphere as the nitrogen is in a form not usable to organisms. Plants and animals do not have the enzymes to 'fix' the nitrogen

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13y ago

They don't have the enzymes that are needed to fix nitrogen.

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12y ago

The above is not true, Plants use nitrogen to make proteins and scientists are discovering further that some animals such as ship worms do also...

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14y ago

because of their molecular structure

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Q: Why cant plants absorb gaseous nitrogen?
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How do plants get the nitrogen?

Although nitrogen is abundant in the atmosphere, atmospheric nitrogen features a triple bond that is difficult to break. Bacteria in the soil are mainly responsible for breaking this bond to create organic nitrates that are used by the plants. Such bacteria are called "nitrogen-fixing bacteria" because they take nitrogen from the air (N2) and "fix" it into ammonium (NH4+). Then other bacteria called nitrifying bacteria convert this ammonium to nitrate and nitrite. The nitrates are assimilated by plants through the root systems and incorporate them into nucleic acids and proteins. Animals eat these plants and can use the nitrogen stored within. Then the consumers further up the trophic levels can obtain their nitrogen from the herbivores.

Can plants grow when watered with pop?

Most plants will not grow well when watered with soda, as the sugar and acidity in the drink can harm the plant's roots and disrupt its ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. Water is the best option for healthy plant growth as it provides essential hydration without any negative effects.

Why doesn't the humans breathe nitrogen?

Because the nitrogen in the air is in a form not usable to animals and plants. The only way animals get nitrogen to build protein and nucleic acid is by eating it. This is usually through plants, which get there nitrogen from the soil. They get it from the soil because bacteria in the soil turn the atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form. In a water ecosystem cyanobacteria (a.k.a. blue-green algae) transform the nitrogen from the atmosphere into usable forms of nitrate

What are the monomers of nitrogen?

no i cant answer this i though u could cuz dats y i ask u duuhh

How do plants draw up water?

Most plants absorb water from a wide area of soil using osmosis in their roots. Some plants (a few species of epiphytes) have specialized surface cells that let them absorb water from the air.

Related questions

What role does nitrogen play to ensure the continuity of life?

nitrogen is the main nutrient for plants without it plants cant survive without plants herbivorous animals cant survive without them carnivorous animals cant survive without either of them omnivorous animals cant survive

If a soda is put into a plant what will happen and why?

it will die because, all of the sugar is soaked to the plants roots and ONLY certain types of plants can absorb soda which will help it grow. However some plants cant absorb soda because it will die.

How do plants get the nitrogen?

Although nitrogen is abundant in the atmosphere, atmospheric nitrogen features a triple bond that is difficult to break. Bacteria in the soil are mainly responsible for breaking this bond to create organic nitrates that are used by the plants. Such bacteria are called "nitrogen-fixing bacteria" because they take nitrogen from the air (N2) and "fix" it into ammonium (NH4+). Then other bacteria called nitrifying bacteria convert this ammonium to nitrate and nitrite. The nitrates are assimilated by plants through the root systems and incorporate them into nucleic acids and proteins. Animals eat these plants and can use the nitrogen stored within. Then the consumers further up the trophic levels can obtain their nitrogen from the herbivores.

Does the sun absorb body fat?

no, of course the sun cant absorb body fats

What does a blue light give off to a plant?

blue light can kill plants because the light is too dark for plants to absorb. also, the plant cant absorb much light in blue light. last week, i tried an experiment and in 10 lessons at school, its died when it was covered in blue cellophane as light.

How are animals and plants different in getting their food?

probably because plants cant move to catch proper pray or cant fit a deer in its mouth if it even had one. the difference between them is that plants make their own food ( photosynthesis ), and animals have to get it, or find it

What in plants make food but animals cant?

This is because chlorophyll in the plants allow them to absorb the suns energy and turn it into sugar through a process called photosynthesis. Animals do not contain chlorophyll within their bodies therefore they are not able to produce these sugars.

Where do secondary consumers get there carbon from?

Nitrogen cant be used in gas form but can be used when it is in the soil so it is a nitrateproducers absorb the nitrates from the soilprimary consumers eat the producer e.g. grassthen the secondary consumer eats the primary consumernitrates are passed on through the food, just the same as energy.Nitrates also enter the soil by the animals excreting and when they decompose.hope this helps..

What does the atom of nitrogen look like?

you cant see an atom!

Do animals depend on plants for nitrogen?

Plants and animals depend on nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Plants and animals cannot use nitrogen gas directly. The nitrogen must be changed in to ammonia first. These nitrogen-fixing bacteria take nitrogen and convert it to ammonia for plant and animals to use.

What happen to humans if no plants?

if there is no plants humans cant get oxygen so naturally people cant exist on earth

Why cant you breathe on Venus?

It's mostly carbon dioxide and a little nitrogen. We need oxygen and a lot of nitrogen.