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Q: Why can oxygen disfuse across a cell membrane but a protein cannot?
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Why can oxygen diffuse across a cell membrane but a protein cannot-?

Proteins are to large or Oxygen is much smaller than a protein.

Why can oxygen diffuse across a cells membrane but a protein cannot?

Proteins are to large or Oxygen is much smaller than a protein.

Why can oxygen diffuses across a cell membrane but a protein cannot?

Proteins are to large or Oxygen is much smaller than a protein.

What are three macromolecules that cannot diffuse across a cell membrane?

Any protein, any fat, and most polypeptides.

Why can oxygen across a cell membrane but a protein cannot?

Because an oxygen atom is very small and a protein is made up of lots of atoms and is therefore very large by comparison.

Why can oxygen defuse across a cell membrane but protein cannot?

Because an oxygen atom is very small and a protein is made up of lots of atoms and is therefore very large by comparison.

Does egg albumin moves across a plasma membrane?

No, egg albumin is a large protein molecule that cannot pass through the plasma membrane on its own. It would require specific transport mechanisms, such as endocytosis or facilitated diffusion, to cross the membrane.

Why can oxygen diffuse across a cell membrane but a protein can't?

Oxygen is a small, non-polar molecule that can passively diffuse across the lipid bilayer of a cell membrane. Proteins, on the other hand, are larger and more complex molecules that cannot pass through the hydrophobic core of the membrane. Instead, proteins are transported into or out of cells through specific channels or transporters.

What is the process that utilizes a carrier to move marerials across the plasma membrane in the direction of the concentration?

Diffusion is what carries materials across the plasma membrane. The diffusion cannot be moved across water.

What the role of protein channels in the cell membrane?

Protein channels are important to facilitate the transport of ions and other larger molecules across the plasma membrane. Large molecules cannot just diffuse thorough the membrane. In addition, polar molecules cannot diffuse through the membrane since it would be energetically unfavorable for them to negotiate the hydrophobic interior of the plasma membrane. Therefore, protein channels are essential in membrane transport.

Which type of protein functions as a transport protein?

Carrier proteins and channel proteins are examples of transport proteins that aid in the movement of substances across cell membranes. These proteins facilitate the transport of ions, molecules, and other particles by either binding to them and undergoing a conformational change (carrier proteins) or creating a passage for them to pass through (channel proteins).

Are proteins found in the cell membrane?

There are many uses for proteins in a cell membrane but the most common ones are: 1. Facilitated diffusion- a protein acts almost like a channel to allow molecules that cannot fit across the phospholipid bilayer to diffuse into/out of the cell 2. Active transport- proteins are used to move particles across the membrane from low to high concentration, using energy. 3. As receptor molecules which take signals from things like hormones.