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A single celled organism has ONE cell to do everything - breath, eat, excretion of wastes and other functions that organism does. Multi-cellular organisms have specialised cells for certain functions. For example, TWUNNY WUN.

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For one thing, multicellular organisms can live longer, allowing them to achieve more complexity. Multicellular organisms can also have specialized systems and cells within them (eg red blood cell, white blood cell, brain, etc) that single-celled organisms cannot have.

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Q: Why can mutilcelluar organisms be more complex than unicellular organisms?
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What are organisms that are either unicellular or multicellular?

Examples of unicellular organisms include bacteria, protists, and some types of algae. Multicellular organisms are more complex and include plants, animals, and fungi.

Are unicellular organisms primitive?

Yew , unicellular organisms are more primitive as compared to multicellular organisms .

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Multi-cellular organisms are more advanced than unicellular organisms because they have specialized cells that can perform specific functions, allowing for complex structures and functions to develop. Multi-cellular organisms also exhibit division of labor among cells, which enables them to adapt to a wider range of environments and challenges.

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Multicellular organisms are more complex than unicellular organisms because they are made up of different types of cells that can specialize in specific functions. This specialization allows multicellular organisms to perform more complicated tasks and have greater adaptability to different environments. However, the complexity of an organism does not necessarily determine its advancement or success in its environment.

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Just Because it's so small does not mean it isn't an organism. == Answer== Some organisms are unicellular, meaning that are composed of only one cell. Life started as unicellular organisms which turned more complex later.

3 Differences between unicellular and multicellular organisms?

Size: Unicellular organisms consist of a single cell, while multicellular organisms are made up of multiple cells. Complexity: Multicellular organisms are more structurally complex, with specialized cells working together for specific functions, while unicellular organisms are simpler in structure. Reproduction: Unicellular organisms reproduce asexually by cell division, while multicellular organisms reproduce sexually through the fusion of gametes.

How are unicellular different from multicellular?

Unicellular organisms are made up of a single cell, whereas multicellular organisms are made up of multiple cells. Unicellular organisms are typically microorganisms like bacteria and protists, while multicellular organisms can range from simple organisms like sponges to complex organisms like humans. Multicellular organisms have specialized cells that perform specific functions, allowing for division of labor within the organism.

Why are there more unicellular organisms than multicellular organisms?

Unicellular organisms are simpler in structure and can replicate more rapidly than multicellular organisms, allowing them to adapt quickly to different environments. Additionally, unicellular organisms have a higher surface area-to-volume ratio, which is more efficient for nutrient exchange. This efficiency in resource utilization may contribute to the abundance of unicellular organisms compared to multicellular organisms.

What are the differences between Protista and eubacteria?

Protista are eukaryotic organisms, while eubacteria are prokaryotic organisms. Protista are typically unicellular, while eubacteria can be unicellular or multicellular. Protista have a more complex cell structure and can exhibit a wider range of cellular processes compared to eubacteria.

Are orchids multicellular or unicellular?


Are there more unicellular or multicellular organisms in the world?

There are more unicellular organisms in the world than multicellular organisms. This includes bacteria, archaea, protists, and some types of fungi. Multicellular organisms, like plants and animals, represent a smaller proportion of the total diversity of life on Earth.

How are simple and complex organisms alike?

Simple and complex organisms are both living beings that exhibit characteristics of life, such as growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli. They both have basic structures and functions that allow them to survive and thrive in their environments. Additionally, simple and complex organisms are composed of cells as their basic structural unit.