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Q: Why can milk be received at 45 degrees?
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Can milk be received at 45 degrees?

For a shorter period of time. Somewhere in my education, I was told that for every degree over 40 that milk is stored, you lose one day of shelf life.

What temp must milk be transported at?

Type your answer here... 45 degrees

Supplement of 45?

135 degrees is the supplement of 45 degrees. When you minus 45 degrees from 180 degrees you will get 135 degrees which is the supplement angle of 45 degrees.

Angles in an isosceles right angled triangle are?

They are: 90 degrees, 45 degrees and 45 degrees

What is the supplement of 135 degrees?

It is: 45 degrees because 135+45 = 180 degrees

How much is 45 degrees in Celsius?

45 degrees Fahrenheit = 7.2 degrees Celsius

What is the change in the temperature from -5 degrees to 45 degrees?

45 - (-5) = 45 + 5 = 50 degrees

What is a 45 degrees in complement?

It is also 45 degrees.

Why can shell eggs be received at an air temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit or lower instead of an internal temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower?

because of its hard shell

What is 1 eighth of 360 into degrees?

The question is somewhat ambiguous, but the answer is probably 45 degrees.

What is 45 degrees c in f?

45 degrees Celsius = 113 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the direction of the 45 degrees magnetic declination?

A magnetic declination of 45 degrees can be either east or west, depending on the location. If it is 45 degrees east, it means that magnetic north is 45 degrees to the east of true north. If it is 45 degrees west, it means that magnetic north is 45 degrees to the west of true north.