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because they are classified diferently depending on how they form, and what they are made of

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Q: Why can limestone be classified as either bioclastic or chemical?
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Is limestone classified as a granite or a sandstone?

Limestone is not classed as either a granitoid or a sandstone rock. Limestone is a sedimentary rock, either chemically precipitated or bioclastic in origin. Granite is a plutonic igneous rock, and sandstone, although sedimentary, is formed from the cementation of sand-sized particles of eroded rock.

What rock can be a chemical or organic rock?

Limestone is a type of rock that can be either chemical or organic in nature. Chemical limestone is formed through the precipitation of calcium carbonate, while organic limestone is made up of the remains of marine organisms like shells and coral.

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Compounds can be classified as either organic or inorganic based on the presence of carbon atoms. Organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, while inorganic compounds do not.

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They are classified as either cumulus, stratus or cirrus clouds.

How are risk exposures classified?

I think its classified as either pure risk or speculative risk

Does it make sense You flown over the huge limestone quarry?

Surely it should be either "You fly over the huge limestone quarry" or "you flew over the huge limestone quarry" or "You have flown over the....."

How does acid rain affect limestone structures?

Acids have a corrosive effect on limestone or marble buildings or sculptures. It is well established that either wet or dry deposition of sulfur dioxide significantly increases the rate of corrosion on limestone, sandstone, and marble. sulfur dioxide plus water makes sulfurous acid.

What is Changing between one state of matter to another state of matter called?

I think it can be classified as either a Chemical Reaction. Or an Endothermic reaction. I may not be understanding the correct queston though.

Sedimentary rocks are usually classified as?

Sedimentary rocks are classified as either clastic (composed of fragments of pre-existing rocks), chemical (formed from mineral precipitation), or organic (derived from the remains of plants and animals). These classifications help to understand how the rock was formed and its origin.

Limestone is the most common source of this element?

The principal component of limestone is the mineral calcite, but limestone frequently also contains the minerals dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) and aragonite (CaCO3). Pure calcite, dolomite, and aragonite are clear or white. However, with impurities, they can take on a variety of colors. Consequently, limestone is commonly light colored; usually it is tan or gray. However, limestone has been found in almost every color. The color of limestone is due to impurities such as sand, clay, iron oxides and hydroxides, and organic materials. All limestone forms from the precipitation of calcium carbonate from water. Calcium carbonate leaves solutions in many ways and each way produces a different kind of limestone. All the different ways can be classified into two major groups: either with or without the aid of a living organism.

Elements are classified as either?

metals, semimetals or nonmentals