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Atoms are electrically charged in order to attract other atoms during a chemical reaction to combine to make 2 new substances through displacement or combine through synthesis and make a new element ie. Na+Cl =NaCl = Salt

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15y ago

Atoms that are positively or negatively charged, called ions, are charged because they have gained or lost electrons from their neutral configuration.

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Q: Why can atoms have a charge?
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Do Nonmetallic atoms have Negative charge or a Neutral charge?

Nonmetallic atoms have Neutral charge not a Negative charge.

Can atoms with no charge combine with other atoms with no charge?

Yes. When atoms with no charge combine with one or more atoms with no charge, it's called a molecule. They may share electrons to complete their octet.

Are atoms the carry an electric charge?

Atoms have NO electric charge, only ions have (+ or -)

Which particles in atoms have a positive charge?

Protons have a positive charge in atoms.

How do atoms unite with other atoms?

Atoms with the same charge are pushed away from each other. Atoms with different charge attract (unite)

Ions are atoms that carry an electric charge?

Atoms carry a positive charge on the proton and a negative charge on the electron, usually these cancel out.

How could some atoms have a charge?

when u run and get a lot of energy, your atoms have a charge.

What is the Charge of an atom or group of atoms?

Zero. (Ions have charge; atoms are always neutral.)

What atoms have no overall charge?

Atoms with no overall charge are called neutral atoms. They have the same number of protons, which carry a positive charge, and electrons, which carry a negative charge. This balance of positive and negative charges leads to a neutral overall charge for the atom.

How are molecules atoms that carry no charge?

Molecules are not atoms, but are made up of several atoms. The individual atoms may carry a charge, but when combined, the molecule as a whole does not.

Atoms have what kinds of electric charge?

As a rule, atoms do not have a charge, that is why they are atoms.Different parts of the atom has a charge:proton - relative mass of 1 - charge of +1neutron - relative mass of 1 - charge of 0electron - relative mass of about 1/2000 - charge of -1A atom has a equal number of electons and a equal number of protons, and so no charge

Treu or false Atoms have a positive charge?

False, atoms do not have a positive charge. Atoms are electrically neutral, meaning they have an equal number of protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge).