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Q: Why can't plant breeders use asexual reproduction to create new varieties?
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Does asexual reproduction involve one parent?

Asexual reproduction is when one animal can create offspring by itself. This is common with bacteria.

What is a disavantage for sexual reproduction?

the disadvantage of sexual reproduction is that you actually have to have sex to create a child. this is why asexual reproduction is good because the parent organism can create a baby without having to have sex.

What are sexual and asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is when you need two beings to reproduce. for example: Humans need the sperm and the egg to create a baby. Asexual reproduction is when the being has both sex cells within it's body it does not need a partner to create an offspring. for example: amoebas.

What is asexual reproduction what is sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is basically the act of an organism making an exact copy of itself without the help of another organism, while sexual reproduction is the act of two organisms crossing their genetics to create offspring.

The process by which organisms create new life of its own kind?

Reproduction (sexual and asexual)

What is asexual reproduction versus sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction involves only one parent producing genetically identical offspring, while sexual reproduction requires two parents to produce genetically diverse offspring through the combination of their genetic material. Asexual reproduction is common in single-celled organisms and certain plants, while sexual reproduction is common in animals and most plants.

What is the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction in organisms?

Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two half-cells, or gametes, to create an offspring, e.g. in humans. Asexual reproduction referes to reproduction without the need for another organism, e.g. binary fission (spliting) in bacteria.

What are the two ways of reproduction?

The two main ways of reproduction are sexual reproduction, which involves the combination of genetic material from two parents to create offspring with genetic diversity, and asexual reproduction, which involves producing offspring without the need for genetic material from another individual.

Does asexual reproduction contribute to sexual variation?

No. Asexual reproduction provides no diversity, as it creates an exact copy of the organism. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, provides diversity by using and combining different genes each time to create an entirely new version of the organism.

Does asexual reproduction involve the making of sperm and eggs?

No, asexual reproduction typically does not involve the production of sperm and eggs. In asexual reproduction, organisms can reproduce without the need for gametes or fertilization. Instead, they can reproduce through methods such as budding or cell division.

What is repoduction?

Reproduction is the biological process by which living organisms produce offspring of the same species. There are two main types of reproduction: sexual reproduction, which involves the combination of genetic material from two parents, and asexual reproduction, which involves a single parent passing on genetic material to create offspring.

Reproduction by mitosis duplicates?

a cell's genetic material to produce two identical daughter cells. It is a form of asexual reproduction that is essential for growth, repair, and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes from the parent cell.