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Q: Why can't carbon dating reveal the age of older fossils?
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What is a way to determine the actual age of fossils?

Scientists can determine the actual age of fossils using radiometric dating methods, such as carbon-14 dating for relatively young fossils or uranium-lead dating for older fossils. These methods measure the decay of radioactive isotopes in the fossil to calculate its age with a high degree of accuracy.

How do modern scientist determine the age of fossils?

by carbon dating it is testing how much radioactivity is in carbon 14 because radio activity has a half life so how much radio activity is left then they can determine how old it is

What do scientists use to date exact age of fossils?

Scientists use a variety of dating methods to determine the exact age of fossils. These methods include radiometric dating, which measures the decay of radioactive isotopes in the fossil, and stratigraphy, which analyzes the position of the fossil in rock layers. By combining these techniques, scientists can more accurately determine the age of a fossil.

Can carbon dating be used on a stone to determine it's age?

It is not possible to carbon date rocks. Carbon 14 dating is based on the absorption of atmospheric carbon by livingthings. When the thing dies it no longer takes in carbon from the atmosphere through processes such as eating or respiration and levels of C14 in the body deplete due to the natural process of radioactive decay. By seeing how much C14 remains it is possible to see how long it has been since that animal died.However there are a range of other dating methods which can be used.

How the age of fossils of plant and animals etc is determined?

The age of fossils is determined using several methods, including radiometric dating, which measures the decay of radioactive isotopes to determine the age of rocks associated with the fossil. Stratigraphic dating examines the layers of rock in which the fossil is found to determine its relative age compared to other fossils. Additionally, other methods such as carbon dating can be used to determine the age of more recent fossils.

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Carbon 14 is useful for dating fossils that are?

Carbon 14 dating is most useful for dating fossils that are up to 50,000 years old. Beyond this time frame, the amount of C-14 left in the fossil is too minimal to provide accurate dating results.

Could scientists use carbon dating to determine the age of hominids?

Yes, scientists can use carbon dating to determine the age of hominid fossils. Carbon dating relies on measuring the amount of carbon-14 present in a sample to estimate its age. However, carbon dating is typically used on organic materials up to around 50,000 years old, so other dating methods may be necessary for older hominid fossils.

Can radiocarbon dating be used to determine the age of dinosaur fossils?

No, radiocarbon dating cannot be used to determine the age of dinosaur fossils because the half-life of carbon-14 is too short for dating objects that are millions of years old. Instead, other dating methods like uranium-lead dating or potassium-argon dating are used for dating dinosaur fossils.

How do you tell which fossils are older?

Fossils found in deeper rock layers are typically older than those found in shallower layers. Scientists also use methods like radiometric dating to determine the age of fossils based on the decay of radioactive isotopes present in the fossils. Additionally, studying the index fossils that are typically associated with specific time periods can help determine the relative age of fossils.

What is a way to determine the actual age of fossils?

Scientists can determine the actual age of fossils using radiometric dating methods, such as carbon-14 dating for relatively young fossils or uranium-lead dating for older fossils. These methods measure the decay of radioactive isotopes in the fossil to calculate its age with a high degree of accuracy.

Can carbon dating be used to identify the age of index fossils?

No, carbon dating is not used to date index fossils. Carbon dating is only effective on organic materials up to about 50,000 years old, while index fossils are used to identify the age of rock layers and are typically much older. Index fossils are dated using relative dating techniques based on their position in the rock layers.

How do modern scientist determine the age of fossils?

by carbon dating it is testing how much radioactivity is in carbon 14 because radio activity has a half life so how much radio activity is left then they can determine how old it is

How is carbon dating used to determine the age of fossils?

Assuming the word is 'date'; their stratigraphy - their position in the sedimentary sequence, will indicate which are older. [Assuming the fossil bed has not been overturned by earth movements.] Otherwise, various radiometric methods might be used to measure the age, but these are relatively more expensive.

Why cant carbon 14 be used to determine fossil age of the fossil is several hundred thousand years old?

Carbon-14 dating is only effective up to about 50,000 years due to its short half-life of 5730 years. For fossils older than that, other dating methods like potassium-argon dating or uranium-lead dating are used, which have longer half-lives and can accurately determine the age of fossils that are several hundred thousand years old.

What do scientists use to date exact age of fossils?

Scientists use a variety of dating methods to determine the exact age of fossils. These methods include radiometric dating, which measures the decay of radioactive isotopes in the fossil, and stratigraphy, which analyzes the position of the fossil in rock layers. By combining these techniques, scientists can more accurately determine the age of a fossil.

How do scientists use Carbon-14 to date fossils?

Scientists use Carbon-14 dating to determine the age of organic materials by measuring the amount of Carbon-14 remaining in a sample. Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope with a known half-life, so by comparing the ratio of Carbon-14 to stable Carbon-12 in a sample, scientists can calculate its age. This method is effective for dating relatively young fossils up to around 60,000 years old.

Can carbon dating be used on a stone to determine it's age?

It is not possible to carbon date rocks. Carbon 14 dating is based on the absorption of atmospheric carbon by livingthings. When the thing dies it no longer takes in carbon from the atmosphere through processes such as eating or respiration and levels of C14 in the body deplete due to the natural process of radioactive decay. By seeing how much C14 remains it is possible to see how long it has been since that animal died.However there are a range of other dating methods which can be used.