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The half-life of carbon is roughly 6000 years. That means that every 6000 years, the amount of Carbon halves. Therefore, in a million years, the amount of carbon-14 would be so low that it would be extremely difficult to determine the exact age of the shell. So radioactive elements of longer half-lives, such as Uranium-238(half-life of 4.9 billion years) are used to date older objects.

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10y ago

Such fossil bones are so old that C-14 has decayed to such low levels as to be undetectable. However other radioisotopes can be used for dating.

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8y ago

Carbon-14 has a half life of 5700 years so, after 75000 years there is only about 0.01% of the original amount left. Furthermore, carbon-14 is present inly in organic remains.

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Q: Why can't carbon 14 be used to date material that is older than 75000 years?
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Why cant carbon-14 be used to date material that is older than 75000 years?

Carbon-14 has a half-life of about 5,730 years, limiting its usefulness for dating materials older than about 50,000 years. Beyond this point, there are not enough remaining carbon-14 atoms in a sample for accurate dating. Instead, other radiometric dating methods, like potassium-argon dating or uranium-lead dating, are used for older materials.

Which isotope is useful for dating wood and charcoal that is less than 75000 years old?

carbon- 14

Why can't carbon be used to date all ages of material?

Carbon dating is only reliable up to about 50,000 years due to the short half-life of carbon-14 (5,730 years). For older materials, other radioactive isotopes with longer half-lives, such as uranium-lead or potassium-argon, are used for dating.

What is the age determined by carbon dating?

The age of organic material up to about 70,000 years.

Which prophet of Allah was present 75000 years ago?

There is no way of knowing the answer to your question

Can carbon dating be used on bones a million years old?

No, there are no detectable levels of carbon-14 left in any sample older than roughly 40,000 years. Without carbon-14 in the sample, no date can be determined.

Which isotope is useful for dating wood and charcoal that is less than about 75000 years old?

Carbon-14 is the isotope commonly used for dating wood and charcoal less than about 75,000 years old. This isotope is useful because plants take in carbon-14 while they are alive, and it decays at a known rate after the plant dies, allowing for accurate dating.

Why is carbon14 dating not accurate for estimating the age of materials more than 50.000 years old?

Carbon-14 dating is not accurate for materials older than 50,000 years because the half-life of carbon-14 is about 5,730 years, meaning it decays rapidly over time, making it ineffective for measuring ancient material. Beyond this age, the amount of carbon-14 left in a sample is so small that it becomes difficult to accurately measure, leading to less reliable age estimates. Other dating methods, such as potassium-argon or uranium-lead dating, are better suited for older materials.

Which items can be dated by isotope carbon 14?

material up to 60 000 years old

What is payment on 75000 loan at6.25percent for 30 loan?

$453.42 over 30 years.

Which two criteria must be met before scientists can use radiocarbon dating?

Two criteria that must be met before scientists can use radiocarbon dating are the availability of carbon in the material being dated and the assumption that the carbon is of organic origin. Additionally, the material being dated should not be contaminated with younger or older carbon to obtain accurate results.

Is radioactive dating important for providing evidence for evolution?

It tells you when the animal that made a fossil was alive. Radio carbon dating proves scientifically the age of a given material. If a fossil is found embedded in material that is x number of years old and a similar fossil is found x number of years older or younger then we can surmise the evolution of that species. There are thousands of examples of theoretical evolution using this method.