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Mostly the invertebrates and insects possesses white greenish blood called haemolymph whereas the colour of man's blood is red due to erythrocytes or RBCs.There fore we can say that cockroach has no blood but haemolymph. Azhar Khan

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Insect blood is not used to carry oxygen around their bodies like how it does in a human. While it can help carry it, it mostly transports nutrients and waste. As they lack red blood cells, their blood can appear colourless, white, pale yellow, or even green.

A mosquito is no different but people can mistake it for having red blood because it feeds on red blood and has it stored inside its body for digestion.

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15y ago

Why is the blood of a cockroach is white and man has red?

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14y ago

as they don't have any colouring pigment and r unicellular

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Q: Why is cockroach blood is white but mosquito blood is red why?
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Does a cockroach have blood?

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If you mean why isn't a cockroaches blood red, it is because they do not use hemoglobin to carry the oxygen in their blood. Hemoglobin is what causes blood to be red.

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When you step on a cockroach or smash a fly the blood appears colorless because?

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If a mosquito sucked human blood what genes would it have in its stomach?

Technically all of them. Genes are found in almost every cell's nucleus and are made from strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). A mosquito drinks your blood which is made of red and white blood cells.

What colour is the blood cell?

red blood cells are red and white blood cells are white

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Do white tigers have white blood cells or red blood cells?

hey them skiny colour is white only..but blood cells are red