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because it spin is slow

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

A venue's day is shorter than its year because the time it takes for the venue to rotate on its axis (day) is faster than the time it takes for the venue to orbit around its sun (year). This difference in rotational and orbital speeds results in days being shorter than years on most venues.

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What is longer days or a year?

1 year is longer than 1 day

What planets days are longer than your year?

The length of a day on Venus is longer than the time it takes for Venus to complete one orbit around the sun, making it the planet with days longer than its year. A day on Venus lasts about 243 Earth days, while a year on Venus is about 225 Earth days.

How long are venus's days and years?

A day on Venus is longer than a year, approximately 243 Earth days. A year on Venus, which is the time it takes to complete one orbit around the Sun, is around 225 Earth days. Venus has a slow rotation on its axis, causing its day to be longer than its year.

What planet's year is longer than 365 days?

Venus has a year that is longer than 365 days. It takes about 225 Earth days for Venus to complete one orbit around the Sun.

What planet has longer days than a year?

the farther away from the sun the day must be longer.

Is 125 days longer than a third of a year?

It depends on you and time.

What planet's days are longer than one earth year?

None. Venus has the longest rotation period of 243 days, less than a year.

Which planets have more than 1000 days in a year?

Venus has a day longer than 1000 Earth days, but its year is shorter. However, Neptune has a year longer than 1000 Earth days, taking about 165 Earth years to orbit the Sun once.

Why are Jupiter's days longer than it's years?

Jupiter's days are not, in fact, longer than its years. Jupiter's days last about 10 hours, and its year is approximatley 11 Earth years.

What planet has days longer than earth years?

No planet in our solar system has days longer than one Earth year. Venus has the longest day -- it's 243 Earth days.

Is a solar year longer than a year?

The lunar year is in fact shorter than a solar year,it consists in the region of 354 days a year.

What planet have years longer than its days?

Venus has a longer year than its day. A year on Venus (its orbit around the sun) takes about 225 Earth days, while a day on Venus (rotation on its axis) takes about 243 Earth days.