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these are natural wind patterns created by air movement over land masses. they are refered to as trade winds, because during the time of sail powered shipping, these more constant wind patterns were used to provide the most expedient travel times between places of early commerce.

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16y ago
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1mo ago

Trade winds are important because they influence global weather patterns, particularly in the tropics. They play a key role in maritime navigation and have historically been used by sailors for trade routes. Understanding trade winds is crucial for predicting weather conditions and climate patterns in different regions of the world.

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8y ago

Because they shorten the time it takes to get from one place to another. For example - say you had an easterly trade wind... that would help to push a sailing ship from east to west faster than if the ship was sailing from west to east.

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11y ago

because it balences out the warm and cold air, or it is trade winds

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14y ago

Sailing with the wind in their backs made the journeys ever so much easier and faster.

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12y ago

The trade winds are important because their cooling breezes moderate the high temperatures in the torrid zone where most islands in Oceania are located.

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What were winds between 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south known as?

The Answer Is NOT trade winds

What is the name of most surface wind systems?

The most common surface wind system is the trade winds. These are reliable easterly winds that flow towards the equator in both hemispheres, created by the Earth's rotation and atmospheric circulation patterns. Trade winds are important for sailors and influence weather patterns in many regions.

What kind of winds blow from 30 degrees latitude to the equator?

The winds that blow from 30 degrees latitude to the equator are known as the trade winds. These winds generally originate from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere. They are characterized by their steady and consistent nature, making them important for sailing and navigation.

Winds that provide a dependable route for trade called what?

Winds that provide a dependable route for trade are typically called trade winds. These winds blow consistently in one direction, making them advantageous for sailors and merchants to navigate trade routes. Trade winds helped facilitate global trade and exploration throughout history.

What blows fom the east in the areas north and south of the equator?

Winds blow from the east in the areas north and south of the equator due to the Coriolis effect caused by Earth's rotation. In the Northern Hemisphere, these are known as the trade winds, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they are called the southeast trade winds. These winds are generally steady and reliable, making them important for navigation and weather patterns.

Related questions

What were winds between 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south known as?

The Answer Is NOT trade winds

Why were the trade winds important for the Kuwaiti trades?


What are winds that blow from east to west between the tropics and the equator?

The winds that blow from east to west between the tropics and the equator are called trade winds. They are caused by the rotation of the Earth and the pressure differences between the equator and the poles. Trade winds are important for sailing and aviation routes.

Why are the winds that blow from the Subtropical High Pressure Systems called the trade wind?

They used to be important for international trade when ships had sails and depended on the winds to move them.

How the trade winds are useful?

Trade winds are important for sailors and commercial shipping as they provide consistent wind patterns that can be used for navigation. They also play a role in driving ocean currents, which can impact climate and weather patterns around the world. Additionally, trade winds help to disperse heat from the equator towards the poles, influencing global temperature distribution.

The trade winds are caused by a rotation of wind know as what?

Hadley cell

What is the name of most surface wind systems?

The most common surface wind system is the trade winds. These are reliable easterly winds that flow towards the equator in both hemispheres, created by the Earth's rotation and atmospheric circulation patterns. Trade winds are important for sailors and influence weather patterns in many regions.

Which winds would Christopher Columbus use to return to Europe?

it is the trade winds that brought Columbus ships to the Caribbean

What kind of winds blow from 30 degrees latitude to the equator?

The winds that blow from 30 degrees latitude to the equator are known as the trade winds. These winds generally originate from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere. They are characterized by their steady and consistent nature, making them important for sailing and navigation.

Does belgium receive trade winds?

No. The trade winds are in the tropics.

Winds that provide a dependable route for trade called what?

Winds that provide a dependable route for trade are typically called trade winds. These winds blow consistently in one direction, making them advantageous for sailors and merchants to navigate trade routes. Trade winds helped facilitate global trade and exploration throughout history.

What is the tagalog term of trade winds?

Trade winds are found in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which is one term used when talking about trade winds. Low level trade winds near the equator are also reffered to as easterlies. In the Northern Hemisphere, the trade winds blow from the northeast and are known as the Northeast Trade Winds; in the Southern Hemisphere, the winds blow from the southeast and are called the Southeast Trade Winds. So it depends what you are looking for here...