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On May 22, 1876 a Brazilian astronamer name Sir Pablo Shephard viewed one of the sattelites with a primitive telescopeand decried "what the flock is that?". He then noticed two more and dubbed them shepherd moons. It is merely coincidence that his favorite meal was shepard's pie.

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Marlene Hackett

Lvl 10
3y ago
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Grace Tillman

Lvl 10
3y ago

They keep Saturn's rings in order.

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Flavio Mitchell

Lvl 13
2y ago

They keep saturn's rings in order....

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Wiki User

15y ago

On May 22, 1876 a Brazilian astronamer name Sir Pablo Shephard viewed one of the sattelites with a primitive telescopeand decried "what the flock is that?". He then noticed two more and dubbed them shepherd moons. It is merely coincidence that his favorite meal was shepard's pie.

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They keep Shepards rings in

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Shelby Ballard

Lvl 3
4y ago

They keep saturn's rings in order....

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Q: Why are three of saturn’s satellites called “shepherd moons” ?
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Why are three of saturns satellites- atlas Prometheus and Pandora - called shepherd moons?

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Why are three of saturns satellites atlas Prometheus and Pandora called shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order.

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There are moons in Saturn's rings, they are called shepherd moons because they help keep the rings intact.

Why three of saturns satellites atlas Prometheus and Pandora called shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order.

Why are three Saturn's satellites called shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order.

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They keep Saturn's rings in order.

Why are three of Saturn and satellites atlas Prometheus and Pandora called shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order

Why are three of Saturn's satellites ..... atlas Prometheus and Pandora ..... called shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order

Why are three of Saturn satellites- atlas Prometheus and Pandora- called shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order.

Why are three of Saturn's satellites --atlas Prometheus and Pandora -- called shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order

Why are three of Saturn's satellites - Atlas Prometheus and Pandora called Shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order

Why are three of Saturn's satellites -- atlas Prometheus and Pandora -- called ''shepherd moons?

They keep Saturn's rings in order