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They feed off of the bacteria, algae, and fungi that live in most of these puddles that you see outside. So when these little worms feel like the puddle there near would have all of these things, they usually bring their friends and they all feed off the same stuff.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

Tiny clear worms in water puddles are likely mosquito larvae. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, and the larvae hatch and live in the water until they mature into adult mosquitoes. These larvae are an important part of the mosquito life cycle.

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10y ago

What looks like a small, black worm in stagnant water may not be a worm at all. The most common creature to appear under such conditions is mosquito larvae, which look very much like tiny, wiggly black worms.

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Q: Why are there tiny small clear worms in water puddles?
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