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4mo ago

There is no scientific basis for there being more nerves on the right side of the body. The nervous system is symmetrically distributed in the body, with nerves branching off the spinal cord and extending to both sides equally. Any perceived differences in sensitivity or sensation between sides of the body are likely individual variations or perception biases.

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Q: Why are there more nerves on the right side of the body?
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What is the nerves from the left side of the body cross over into the right side of the brain and vice versa is the?

The nerves from the left side of the body cross over to the right side of the brain at the level of the brainstem in a structure called the medulla oblongata. This process is known as decussation, which allows for information from one side of the body to be processed in the opposite hemisphere of the brain.

Does the right side of your brain control the right side of the body?

Yes, the nerves projecting from each hemisphere cross at the medulla, causing the left side of the brain to control movement in the right of the body, and vice versa.

When you laugh your right side hurts?

pinched nerves in your back often send the pains around your body on the nerves to be pains along the nerves in the rib,chest or heart areas.when you laugh the spine is moving enough to put more pressure on the nerves to cause pain.

Do all the mammals control their left side of the body from right side of the brain?

Yes, in most mammals, the left side of the body is controlled by the right side of the brain. This is due to the way the nerves are interconnected in the brain.

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The left side of the brain deals more with language and helps to analyze information given to the brain. If you injure the left side of the brain, you're aware that things aren't working (the right hemisphere is doing its job) but are unable to solve complex problems or do a complex activity.

Why does the left side of the brain control the right side of the body and vice versa What benefit can this possibly bring to efficient brain functioning?

The physical reason is that the nerves cross over each other inside the brain, and nerves on the right side of the brain cross to run down the left side of the body, etc. Nobody really knows exactly why this evolved.

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The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. Also the optic nerves cross over when they leave the eyes.

The right side of your brian controls what side of your body?

The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body, and vice versa. This is due to the way the nervous system is crossed - the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.

Why does right side of brain control left side and vice versa?

This phenomenon is known as contralateral control. It occurs because the nerves from each side of the brain cross over to control the opposite side of the body. This crossover happens in the brainstem, specifically in the medulla oblongata.

Why is the heart not on the center-line of the body?

Your heart is not on the center line of your body for several reasons. Your left ventricle has to pump a lot stronger than the right ventricle. Your left ventricle has to pump blood all over your body. Your right one just pumps blood to your lungs which are right there. The right side is smaller than your left side. Since the right side of your heart is smaller than the left side of your heart, that makes more room on the right side of your chest. Since your body will have more room on the right side of your chest than on the left side, that means your lung will have more room on your right side. Still, it will not have enough room to do anything. But, if It moves your heart a little bit more over to the left, it can put a lobe in your lung to the right. That way your lung can have three lobes on the right side and two lobes on the left side.

What part of the body does the right side of the brain control?

The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, including functions such as spatial awareness, creativity, and emotional processing.

Which side of the heart pumps oxygen poor blood?

The right hand side of the heart deals with oxygen poor blood.The right side which collects blood following its circulation round the body and then pumps it through the lungs to pick up oxygen.