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Apparently, and with evidence, these were periods of global catastrophes (for life-forms) where massive numbers of organisms went extinct.

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1mo ago

Gaps in the fossil record at the end of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras can be due to periods of low sedimentation or erosion that prevent the preservation of fossils, as well as environmental factors like extreme climate events or volcanic activity that can destroy existing fossils. Additionally, some gaps might be due to limitations in fossilization processes and the selective preservation of certain organisms over others.

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Q: Why are there gaps in the fossil record particularly at the end of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras?
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Fossil record began in this era?

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Did the first vertebrates evolve during the mesozoic era?

No, the first vertebrates evolved long before the Mesozoic era. Vertebrates first appeared during the Paleozoic era, around 500 million years ago. Some of the earliest vertebrates were jawless fish.

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The main characteristic that distinguishes the fossil record of the Paleozoic Era from the Precambrian Era is the appearance of diverse and complex multicellular organisms in the Paleozoic Era. In the Precambrian Era, the fossil record primarily consists of simpler single-celled organisms. Additionally, the Cambrian Explosion, which occurred at the beginning of the Paleozoic Era, marked a significant increase in the diversity of life forms.

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What could provide direct evidence for evolution?

One way to check evolution is to compare genomes. Another even more direct method is by observing instances of speciation in nature, such as the acquisition of novel traits in bacteria (antibiotic resistance) or the inability to interbreed (various insects, chichlid fishes, etc.) The fossil record provides excellent indirect evidence for evolution. None of the mammals that exist today can be found in paleozoic or mesozoic strata. The fossil record tells us mass extinctions occurred multiple times through geologic history, followed by periods of fairly rapid diversification as new ecological niches were subsequently filled. Flowering plants are rife in the current Cenozoic fossil record, but entirely absent from the paleozoic, and only a few primitive forms are known from the late mesozoic. This indirect evidence is highly suggestive of an evolutionary process.

What is geologic eras?

Cenozoic Era

When did mammals first appear on earth by paleontologists?

Mammals first appear in the fossil record of the Mesozoic Era.

What is the chronological collection of life's remains found in layers of rock?

The answer is the fossil record :D

When does the fossil record indicate when birds first began to fly?

The fossil record suggests that the earliest known bird capable of powered flight was Archaeopteryx, which lived around 150 million years ago during the late Jurassic period. This indicates that birds began to fly during the Mesozoic Era.

Abundant fossil evidence did not appear in the geologic record until about?

The abundant fossil evidence appeared in the geologic record around 541 million years ago during the Cambrian period when complex organisms started to evolve. This sudden appearance of diverse life forms is known as the Cambrian explosion.

What is the first part of the Paleozoic era?

The first part of the Paleozoic era is the Cambrian period, lasting from approximately 541 to 485 million years ago. It is known for the sudden appearance of diverse marine life forms in the fossil record, marking the beginning of the explosion of life known as the Cambrian explosion.

How are fossil organized in the fossil record?

The fossil record organizes fos- sils by their estimated ages and physical similarities.