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Because they are alive and useful

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1w ago

Plant cells have additional structures like chloroplasts for photosynthesis and a large central vacuole for storage of water and nutrients. These extra parts help plants carry out specialized functions such as producing energy from sunlight and storing essential substances, contributing to their survival and growth.

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Q: Why are there extra parts in a plant cell?
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What are some parts of the plant cell had found in animals cell and parts of animal cell not found in plant cell?

Cell wall :))

What are the six plant cell parts?

The six parts of the plant cell are, the cell wall the cell membrane the vacuole the nucleus the chloroplast and the cytoplasm

What is the different between animal cell vacuole and plant cell vacuole?

The difference, is that the vacuole in a plant cell is like a storage unit. It contains extra waste that the plant doesn't need, such as extra water or extra sugar. Inside of an animal cell the Vacuole contains air.

What is the difference between the vacuoles in a plant and animal cell?

The difference, is that the vacuole in a plant cell is like a storage unit. It contains extra waste that the plant doesn't need, such as extra water or extra sugar. Inside of an animal cell the Vacuole contains air.

How do all the parts of a plant cell work?

During nuclear division all parts of a plant cell work

What cell parts are seen in plant cells?

In a plant cell there are: Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Starch Grain, Cytoplasm, Nucleus, A Vacuole and Chloroplast. They are the main cell parts found in a plant cell. Hope this helps.

What parts of a plant cell have on an onion cell?

cell wall

What parts found in a plant cell?

cell wall

A plant cell has two parts that animal cells do not have they are the?

Plant cells have two unique parts that animal cells do not have: a cell wall made of cellulose to provide structure and support, and chloroplasts for photosynthesis to produce energy.

What two cell parts provide plant cells with extra support?

Two cell parts that provide plant cells with extra support are the cell wall and the vacuole. The cell wall is a rigid outer layer that maintains the shape and provides structural support, while the vacuole, as it fills with water, helps to maintain turgor pressure that keeps plant cells rigid and allows them to stand upright.

What are the parts of the cell found in animal cells which are not found in plant cells?

Centrioles and lysosomes are two cell organelles found in animal cells that are typically absent in plant cells. Centrioles are involved in cell division, while lysosomes are responsible for breaking down cellular waste and recycling materials.

Is chloroplast special parts of a plant's cell?

yes, it is the part of the plant cell that has the chlorophyl.