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On Mercury & Mars there is negligible atmosphere thus extremes in temperature.
On Venus its hot - constantly. Because the atmosphere is much thicker.

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Q: Why are the temperatures on each of the others terrestrial planets more extreme than the temperatures on earth?
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What is the smallest of the terrestrial planets?

Mercury is the smallest of the terrestrial planets in our solar system.

What planets does earth belong to?

Mercury Mars and Venus. Yes and these along with Earth are called the terrestrial planets.

How are planets different?

Planets differ in several ways, including their size, composition, distance from the sun, and presence of atmosphere. Some planets are terrestrial, like Earth, while others are gas giants, like Jupiter. Planets also have varying temperatures, surface features, and moons.

Why are terrestrial planets rocky?

nobody really knows. some people think it was the big bang, others think god did it. but i think 2 or more meteors colliding form rocky and rough planets.

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All locations have high and low temperatures. Some more extreme than others.

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A black dwarf would be about the same size as a terrestrial planet such as Earth, so it would be larger than some planets but smaller than others.

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In our solar system and likely all others Gas Giants. There are only 2 Terrestrial Planets with moons, The Earth and Mars they are Luna (The Moon), Phobos and Deimos. Jupiter has 67 Known moons Saturn has 62 Known moons Uranus has 27 Known moons Neptune has 13 Known moons On a side note Pluto which is a dwarf planet has 5 moons Charon, Niz, Hydra, P4 and P5

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Most planets made of gas are located farther from the Sun, where temperatures are cooler. This allows gases like hydrogen and helium to accumulate and form gas giants. In contrast, planets closer to the Sun are composed of heavier elements, like rock and metal, due to higher temperatures and solar winds.

What are some examples of animals that have adapted to extreme temperature?

Polar-bears and walruses are two examples of animals that have adapted to extreme cold temperatures. There are others - arctic fox, various species of penguins, etc. Camels are an example of adaptation to extreme (desert) heat - though in Siberia, they also have to adapt to cold.

What makes earth unique among the terrestrial planets?

Earth is the only planet known to support life as we know it due to its diverse ecosystems, water in liquid form, and moderate temperatures. It also has a significant amount of oxygen in its atmosphere, which is critical for life. Earth is geologically active with plate tectonics and a magnetic field that protects the planet from solar radiation.

Which planets are terrestrial planets and which planets are gas giants?

Terrestrial planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Gas giants in our solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Terrestrial planets are small, rocky planets with solid surfaces, while gas giants are large planets primarily composed of gases like hydrogen and helium.

What do Venus and Uranus do that no other planets do?

Venus rotates on its axis in the opposite direction to most other planets, a phenomenon known as retrograde rotation. Uranus rotates on its side, with its axis tilted at almost a right angle to its orbital plane, causing extreme seasonal variations.