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The closest is Mercury, then









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Q: Why are the planets toward the sun?
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Related questions

How does inertia and gravity combine to make the planets orbit the sun?

The sun's gravity is pulling the planets toward it and the planets inertia keeps them moving forward

How do planets orbit according to law?

The planets and the Sun orbit around each others common center of gravity referred to as the barycenter. Think of the planets as free falling objects. The Earth, as all of the other planets, are actually falling toward the center of the Sun's gravity. That is to say, for every one foot they fall toward the Sun, the Sun moves one foot out of the way.

Is your sun moving toward the constellation Hercules and taking thee planets with it?

yes,it does

What keeps the planets in the Sun's orbit?

Gravitational force, combined with the velocities of the planets. The force from the Sun is pulling the planets toward it, but the velocity of each planet is acting against this. The result is that the planets orbit the Sun. (The question is a bit mixed up, but it seems obvious what it's about.)

Why do the planets stay in orbit rather then drift into space?

Planetary orbits are a balance between gravity, which pulls them toward the Sun, and inertia that keeps them moving forward in the same direction as they are going now. Inertia causes the planets to keep moving just as before, but gravity pulls them toward the Sun. As the planets fall toward the Sun, the inertia (more properly called "momentum") keeps making the planet miss the Sun as it is falling.

What keeps the planets from being attracted toward the Sun?

i Don't kno w it also? They are attracted to the sun. It is called gravity

What type of force keeps the sun and planets in there places?

the suns gravitational pull pulls them toward it but the planets try to escape its gravity

How does the planets orbit?

The planets orbit because of gravity and their momentum. They are constantly flying away from the sun, but at the same time are being pulled toward it by gravity. The end result is that they stay moving in a circular motion around the sun.

Are the sun and the planets attracted to each other?

Yes, the sun and planets are attracted to each other through the force of gravity. The sun's massive gravity keeps the planets in orbit around it, while the planets also have gravitational effects on each other.

Why the planets keeps on their orbits?

The planets continue on their orbits due to a balance between the gravitational force pulling them toward the sun and their velocity providing the necessary centripetal force to keep them in motion. This balance creates a stable orbit as the planets move around the sun.

What are is the Sun and the planets attracted to each other by?

The Sun and the planets are attracted to each other by gravity, which is a force that pulls objects with mass toward one another. The Sun's massive size exerts a gravitational force on the planets, keeping them in their orbits around it.

What keeps planets from crashing into the sun?

Planets stay in orbit around the sun because of the balance between the gravitational pull of the sun and the planet's own velocity. This balance keeps the planet moving in a stable curve around the sun, preventing it from crashing into it.