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I.E is the energy required to remove one electron from each atom to form gaseous charged cations.from group 2 to 12,atomic radius increases and hence there is less attraction from the protons in the atom.therefore,the energy required to remove an electron from the outermost shell will be less

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The unusual thing is that they are attracted to each other

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Group 13 is not nearby group 2.

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Q: Why are the first ionization energies of some of the group 13 elements smaller than the first ionization energies of the nearby alkali earth metals in the same period?
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What is the relationship between ionization energy and the alkali metals?

There is no relation ship. They have the lowest ionization energies.

Which group of the periodic table has the elements with lowest first ionization energies?

The group with the elements that have the lowest first ionization energies is Group 1, also known as the alkali metals. This group includes elements such as lithium, sodium, and potassium, which have one valence electron that is easily removed to form a positive ion.

Is the ionization energy of alkali metals larger or smaller than the alkaline earth metals in the same period?

It is about first ionization energy. It is less than alkaline earth metals.

Alkali metal and alkaline earth metal have how many ionization energies?

Alkali metals (group 1 elements) have one valence electron. Hence have one ionization energy Alkaline earth metals (group 2 elements) have two valence electron. Hence have two ionization energy

What elements have the same ionization energy?

Elements within the same group on the periodic table tend to have similar ionization energy due to their similar electron configurations. For example, all the elements in Group 1 (alkali metals) have similar ionization energies because they all have one valence electron. Additionally, elements in the same period, but different groups, may have similar ionization energies as you move across the periodic table.

What type of elements tend to have low ionization energies?

The elements in the lower right part of the Periodic Table. Cs, Fr, Ra, Ba etc.

What groups of metals is the most active?

The alkali metals (Group 1) are the most active metals because they have low ionization energies and readily lose their outer electron to form ions. This reactivity increases as you move down the group due to the decreasing ionization energy.

What elements have the smallest value for first ionization energy?

The elements in Group 1 (alkali metals) have the smallest first ionization energies because they have one electron in their outermost shell which is loosely held due to shielding effects. This makes it easier to remove the outermost electron compared to other elements.

Why do alkali metals have lower ionization energies than the alkali earth metals?

Alkali gases only have 1 electron needing to be removed to reach a stable noble gas configuration. Alkaline earths have two electrons. Alkali metals thus have the lower ionization energy of the two groups.

Is alkali metal more reactive than transition metal?

Yes, alkali metals are more reactive than transition metals. This is because alkali metals have low ionization energies and readily lose their outermost electron to form positive ions, whereas transition metals have higher ionization energies and show a more variable reactivity depending on the particular metal and conditions.

Are Group 1A elements alkali metals good conductors of electricity?

Yes, Group 1A elements, also known as alkali metals, are good conductors of electricity. They have low ionization energies and readily lose their outer electron to form positive ions, which allows them to conduct electricity.

Why do the alkali metal have lower ionization energies than the alkaline earth metals?

Alkali gases only have 1 electron needing to be removed to reach a stable noble gas configuration. Alkaline earths have two electrons. Alkali metals thus have the lower ionization energy of the two groups.