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3w ago

Elements from group 1 (alkali metals) and group 7 (halogens) are highly reactive due to their electronic configurations. As a result, they tend to form compounds easily to achieve more stable electron configurations. Compounds with these elements often exhibit useful properties in various chemical reactions and industrial applications.

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Q: Why are the elements of group 1 and 7 are mostly used in the form of compounds?
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Noble gases, located in Group 18 of the periodic table, are known for their stability and do not readily react with other elements to form compounds. They have full outer electron shells, making them chemically inert.

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Argon is a noble gas and typically does not form compounds with other elements due to its stable electron configuration.

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Almost every other element except the elements in group 18 bond with oxygen to form compounds.

Why are elements of group 1 alkali metals and group 7 halogens used as compounds and not as the free elements?

Alkali metals from group 1 are very reactive and can easily react with air or moisture to form compounds. Halogens from group 7 are also highly reactive and tend to form compounds with other elements to satisfy their valence electron configuration. Therefore, it is more common to find them as compounds rather than in their free elemental form.

Why do elements from group 1 form compounds easily?

Elements from Group 1, such as sodium and potassium, form compounds easily because they have one valence electron in their outermost electron shell. This makes them highly reactive and eager to lose this electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. Consequently, they readily form compounds with other elements by donating this electron.

Which pair of elements is more likely to form ionic compounds?

Elements with a greater difference in electronegativity are more likely to form ionic compounds. For example, elements like sodium and chlorine are more likely to form ionic compounds due to the large electronegativity difference between them, resulting in the transfer of electrons and the formation of ionic bonds.

Does group 2 on the periodic table gain or lose electrons?

Group 2 elements on the periodic table typically lose two electrons to achieve a stable octet configuration. This results in a +2 charge on these elements.

Which families on a periodic table that contains elements that will not form compounds?

Noble gases or group 18