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Well, first of all, the colonies growing on the surface of the agar medium are aerobic . . . that is, they need air - Oxygen - to survive.

The anaerobic colonies growing within the agar medium may simply be slower growing or maturing, for some reason. Perhaps that is simply due to their being anaerobic.

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They are larger because they have more room to grow on the surface (better surface area) as opposed to being condensed into the medium.

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Q: Why are the colonies growing on the top of the agar larger than the colonies growing in the agar?
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What are the surface colonies on a pour plate larger than those within the medium?

Surface colonies on a pour plate are larger than those within the medium because they have more access to oxygen and nutrients from the surrounding environment. This allows them to grow more rapidly and form larger, more visible colonies on the surface of the agar.

How do bacillus and cocci differ on agar?

Bacillus and cocci bacteria differ in their shape and arrangement on agar plates. Bacillus bacteria are rod-shaped and typically form clusters or chains, while cocci bacteria are spherical and can form clusters, chains, or pairs on the agar surface. Additionally, Bacillus bacteria may produce colonies that appear irregular in shape, whereas cocci bacteria tend to form colonies that are more circular or oval-shaped.

Why is diffusion slower in the agar than in water?

Diffusion is slower in agar than in water because agar is a gelatinous substance that contains solid particles which obstruct the free movement of molecules. This impedes the diffusion of molecules through the agar compared to the unrestricted movement in water, which lacks solid particles.

What else grows on an agar plate other than bacteria?

Theoretically, anything. As the agar is a non-selective agar many bugs can grow on nutrient agar. The only ones that can't are ones that have different growing conditions or different characteristics that makes it difficult or impossible to grow, but that is more uncommon.

Is nutrient agar good for actinomycetes isolation?

Nutrient agar is not the ideal medium for isolating actinomycetes. Actinomycetes typically require specialized media such as starch-casein agar or Gause's synthetic agar for isolation due to their specific nutritional requirements and growth characteristics. These media are designed to promote the growth and isolation of actinomycetes more effectively than nutrient agar.

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Are new England farms larger or smaller than farms in the middle colonies?

With the climate harsh there is a short growing season, there for there are small farms than the middle colonies.

What are the surface colonies on a pour plate larger than those within the medium?

Surface colonies on a pour plate are larger than those within the medium because they have more access to oxygen and nutrients from the surrounding environment. This allows them to grow more rapidly and form larger, more visible colonies on the surface of the agar.

What is the advantage of using a nutrient agar plate over a nutrient agar slant?

A nutrient agar plate provides a larger surface area for bacterial growth and easier visualization of colony characteristics. In contrast, a nutrient agar slant is often used for long-term storage of bacterial cultures and to observe growth patterns along the slanted surface.

Yeast colonies larger than bacterial colonies?

Not necessarily, some Bacillus can have big colonies

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New England colonies had land that was mainly filled with rocks, or sand.

How do bacillus and cocci differ on agar?

Bacillus and cocci bacteria differ in their shape and arrangement on agar plates. Bacillus bacteria are rod-shaped and typically form clusters or chains, while cocci bacteria are spherical and can form clusters, chains, or pairs on the agar surface. Additionally, Bacillus bacteria may produce colonies that appear irregular in shape, whereas cocci bacteria tend to form colonies that are more circular or oval-shaped.

Were New England farms larger than those in the middle colonies?

No the Middle Colonies had bigger farms :)

Were New England farms larger than those Southern Colonies?

New England farms were smaller because with cold climate,poor soil and short growing season to stop agriculture.The Southern Colonies were like the opposite.

Is Brazil larger than the Sahara desert?

No, the Sahara is larger than Brazil. Brazil is about 3.2 million square miles and the Sahara 3.3 and growing.

Why were there fewer schools in Middle Colonies than there were in New England Colonies?

cause the farms in this fertile area were larger and the people lived farther apart than the people in New England.

Why streak in an agar slant medium in a straight line rather than a back and forth wavy inoculation from side-to-side on the slant?

Streaking in a straight line on an agar slant helps to isolate individual colonies of bacteria as they grow. A back and forth wavy inoculation could result in overlapping colonies, making it difficult to observe and identify individual colonies. Streaking in a straight line also ensures a uniform distribution of bacteria across the medium.

If you strongly suspect a nutrient agar slant culture is contaminated what method would you use to ascertain whether you are right or not?

You can streak a loopful of culture from the suspected contaminated area onto a fresh agar plate and observe for growth. If different colonies grow on the new plate, it confirms contamination. Additionally, you can perform Gram staining and microscopic analysis to identify the presence of any contaminating microorganisms.