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I assume the atmospheres further away from the sun than the earth would be cooler even if they do have cloud cover to hold heat nearer the surface and possible/probable volcanic activity. Atmospheric composition should also contribute to a less warm atmosphere.

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Q: Why are the atmosphere temperatire pf Jupiter and Saturn so cold?
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What is saturns atmosphere like?

From a distance, in visible light observations, Saturn's atmosphere looks more boring than Jupiter. Saturn has cloud bands in its atmosphere, but they're pale orange and faded. This orange color is because Saturn has more sulfur in its atmosphere. In addition to the sulfur in Saturn's upper atmosphere, there are also quantities of nitrogen and oxygen.

Who would you die on Saturn?

Do you mean 'How would you die on Saturn?'? Saturn is very cold and there is no atmosphere - you can't breathe.

Why is the atmosphere on Jupiter so cold?

The atmosphere on Jupiter is cold because the planet is located much farther from the Sun than Earth, so it receives less solar energy. Additionally, Jupiter's thick atmosphere traps heat, preventing it from reaching the planet's surface.

What atmosphere of Saturn composed of?

Saturn's atmosphere is composed of mostly hydrogen. It also consists of helium, ammonia, and methane. Nitrogen and oxygen are small elements mixed within the atmosphere as well.

Why are the atmosphere temperatures of Saturn and Jupiter so cold?

Saturn and Jupiter's atmospheres are cold because they are far from the sun and receive less sunlight to warm them up. Additionally, these gas giants have thick atmospheres composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, which do not retain heat well. The lack of a solid surface also means that there is nothing to trap and store heat.

What sentence best describe Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter?

These planets are very cold gas giant planets.

What is a degree?

A degree in temperatire is a measurement of how hot or cold it is. A degree in education is the completion of a program, such as a bechelor's degree in education.

Is Jupiter very hot?

As with any planet, the interior of Jupiter is quite hot, but at the level in its atmosphere where pressure is similar to what we find on Earth it is actually quite cold.

Surface conditions of Saturn?

Saturn is a gaseous planet with no solid surface. Its outer layer is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with traces of other elements. The planet has a thick atmosphere with swirling cloud patterns and strong winds, including the iconic hexagonal storm at its north pole.

Is it possible to tan on Saturn?

No, since the atmosphere is filled with smog and gas which blocks sunlight, making Saturn very cold, -170o C (-274o F).

What would happen if you dropped a match on Jupiter?

If you dropped a match on Jupiter, it would not ignite due to the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere. Jupiter's atmosphere is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, which are not conducive to combustion.

Can monkeys live on Jupiter?

No. Extremely cold, extremely high gravity, poisonous atmosphere, no solid surface. No bananas.