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Q: Why are stem cells unspecialised?
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Where have stem cells come from traditionally?

blastocysts (balls of unspecialised cells which become a baby)

What are unspecialised cells that can grow into any type of cell?

Merestematic cells

Why can stem cells help grow a new trachea?

Stem cells are unspecialised we can develop them into any cell which can be used to create new organs and/or tissue

What does unspecialised?

Unspecialised means no specialised function. For example ciliated cells vs nonciliated cells.

What does unspecialised mean?

Unspecialised means no specialised function. For example ciliated cells vs nonciliated cells.

What is celll specialization?

Cell specialisation is when a cell becomes specific for a particular function. Unspecialised cells are called stem cells. Stem cells can become specialised for a particular function by undergoing cell specialisation to become cells that are responsible for a particular function. For example, when a stem cell undergoes specialisation to become a heart cells, its main responsibility is contracting to pump blood around the body.

What is the difference between differential and differentiation?

A differential is the result gained when mathematical differentiation is applied to a function. Differentiation in maths is the function which finds the gradient of a function in terms of x. Differentiation in biology is the specialisation of unspecialised cells such as stem cells into active cells.

Which part of the plant contains only unspecialised cells?

The meristem is the part of the plant that contains unspecialized cells. Meristems are responsible for plant growth, producing new cells for primary growth (lengthening of roots and shoots) and secondary growth (increase in girth of stems and roots).

What cell type is most important for cell formation?

Stem cells are the most important cell type for cell formation as they have the ability to differentiate into different cell types and replenish damaged tissues throughout the body. They play a crucial role in growth, development, and maintaining homeostasis in the body.

What are the types of stem cells?

There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells, which are derived from embryos, and adult stem cells, which are found in adult tissues and can differentiate into a limited range of cell types. Additionally, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are adult cells reprogrammed to behave like embryonic stem cells.

What replaces dead or damaged cells?

Dead or damaged cells are replaced by nearby healthy cells that divide and multiply to fill in the empty space. In some cases, stem cells can also differentiate into the specific cell type needed to replace the damaged cells.

What are the three types of stem cells in adults?

The three types of stem cells in adults are hematopoietic stem cells (found in bone marrow and produce blood cells), mesenchymal stem cells (found in various tissues like bone marrow and fat, can differentiate into bone, cartilage, and fat cells), and neural stem cells (found in the brain and spinal cord, can differentiate into neurons and supporting cells).